PREAL Blog is the blog of the Inter-American Dialogue’s Education Program. It provides cutting-edge analysis of education policies in Latin America, explores current and future global trends, and offers a space in which education experts can share their research, insights, and innovative ideas. The mission of the Dialogue’s Education Program is to help improve the quality of education in Latin America. Our motto is "better policy for better education." We build on the Dialogue’s convening power and strong regional network of experts and leaders to advance evidence-informed education policies in Latin America.

The Economist on New York City School Reforms

˙ ˙ PREAL Blog

As a follow-up to the e-mail we sent on November 6 about the “school report cards” in New York City, we are pleased to share with you two recent articles in the Economist, which offer a more general overview of the reforms implemented by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and School Superintendent…Read more +

Salary incentives for successful teachers

˙ ˙ PREAL Blog

We are pleased to share an article from today’s Washington Post on the growing movement in the United States towards providing salary incentives for successful teachers. Various school districts have been experimenting with such programs over the past several years. In some cases performance has been measured by improvements in…Read more +