All blogs Written by Julia Yansura

Myths and Assumptions about Remittances

Julia Yansura ˙ ˙ Voces

It is often mentioned that remittances “are primarily spent on consumption, housing and land, and are not utilized for productive investment that would contribute to long-run development.”[2] Statements such as these typically reflect value judgments rather than informed opinions based on empirical evidence. Read more +

Returning Home: Deportations & Return Migration

Manuel Orozco, Julia Yansura ˙ ˙ Voces

10/20/08 FOR MHL BY CARL JUSTE/MIAMI HERALD STAFF, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - - ICE's Removal Management Division transported 100 Honduran nationals (16 females, 94 males) aboard a 727 for a two hour and forty-eight minutes flight back to Tegucigalpa, Honduras as part of its detention removal operation. The agency stages nine to eleven flights per day and is coordinated by its operation center in Kansas City, MO. CARL JUSTE/MIAMI HERALD STAFF10/20/08 FOR MHL BY CARL JUSTE/MIAMI HERALD STAFF, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - - ICE's Removal Management Division transported 100 Honduran nationals (16 females, 94 males) aboard a 727 for a two hour and forty-eight minutes flight back to Tegucigalpa, Honduras as part of its detention removal operation. The agency stages nine to eleven flights per day and is coordinated by its operation center in Kansas City, MO. In a early morning operation, Honduran nationals are moved off of detention center buses and searched prior to boarding a chartered flight for Tegucigalpa, Honduras. ICE takes custody of the migrants by conducting searches of their person and belongings during the transferring custody operation on the tarmac of San Antonio International Airport. CARL JUSTE/MIAMI HERALD STAFF10/20/08 FOR MHL BY CARL JUSTE/MIAMI HERALD STAFF, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - - ICE's Removal Management Division transported 100 Honduran nationals (16 females, 94 males) aboard a 727 for a two hour and forty-eight minutes flight back to Tegucigalpa, Honduras as part of its detention removal operation. The agency stages nine to eleven flights per day and is coordinated by its operation center in Kansas City, MO. In a early morning operation, Honduran nationals are moved off of detention center buses and searched prior to boarding a chartered flight for Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The undocumented Hondurans fill the seats of a Boeing 727. Many try to come to terms of being returned back to Honduras. CARL JUSTE/MIAMI HERALD STAFF
While the number of people leaving Central America is well documented, less is known on how many return home, either voluntarily or involuntarily.Read more +