US Policy

Although the United States’ relationship with Latin America has changed profoundly in recent years, the US remains a vital partner to many Latin American nations. Its foreign and domestic policies on a range of issues, including drugs and immigration, bear deep implications for the region. The Inter-American Dialogue closely monitors Washington’s relationship with its neighbors and provides leaders from across the Western Hemisphere with an open forum for exchange. Our timely and incisive analysis seeks to build hemispheric consensus on divisive policy challenges and spark new conversations on pressing issues.

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[Kamala Harris's] background as a prosecutor is going to inform her emphasis on the rule of law. She’s been very active in working with the countries of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in pushing for the rule of law and for judicial security.
Reducir la inseguridad ciudadana aumentará el desarrollo económico, ayudará a abordar una de las causas fundamentales de la crisis migratoria en todo el hemisferio y fortalecerá la gobernanza democrática. Este es un problema que trasciende fronteras y que ningún país puede abordar por sí solo, por lo que esperamos reunir a líderes del gobierno, el mundo académico, la sociedad civil y el sector privado de todas las Américas para discutir cómo nosotros, como región, podemos abordar la inseguridad de manera más efectiva y desarrollar juntos soluciones equilibradas y efectivas.