Hacia una agenda contra las dictaduras en las Américas
Gane quien gane, en las elecciones de noviembre 2024 en Estados Unidos, tendrá en el 2025 una agenda global con la que lidiar frente a los autócratas del mundo.
Nicaragua |  Director, Migration, Remittances and Development Program, Inter-American Dialogue
+1-202-463-2929 ˙ morozco@thedialogue.org ˙
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Manuel Orozco is the director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development Program at the Inter-American Dialogue. He also serves as a senior fellow at Harvard University’s Center for International Development and as a senior adviser with the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
Orozco has conducted extensive research, policy analysis and advocacy on issues relating to global flows of remittances as well as migration and development worldwide. He is chair of Central America and the Caribbean at the US Foreign Service Institute and senior researcher at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University.
Orozco frequently testifies before Congress and has spoken before the United Nations. He holds a PhD in political science from the University of Texas at Austin, a MA in public administration and Latin American studies, and a BA in international relations from the National University of Costa Rica.
Orozco has published widely on remittances, Latin America, globalization, democracy, migration, conflict in war torn societies, and minority politics. His books include International Norms and Mobilization for Democracy (2002), Remittances: Global Opportunities for International Person-to-Person Money Transfers (2005), América Latina y el Caribe: Desarrollo, migración y remesas (2012) and Migrant Remittances and Development in the Global Economy (2013).
Gane quien gane, en las elecciones de noviembre 2024 en Estados Unidos, tendrá en el 2025 una agenda global con la que lidiar frente a los autócratas del mundo.
Creer que con quedarse callado y pretender que no pasa nada en una dictadura, y hasta pensar que las violaciones de derechos humanos solo afectan a los militantes y activistas que desafían al régimen, no solamente es equivocado, sino que además contribuye a postergar las transiciones democráticas.
La migración hacia Estados Unidos no solo refleja la desesperación de millones de personas, sino también las fallas sistémicas en sus países de origen. La respuesta a esta crisis debe ser integral y considerar tanto las raíces de la migración como sus consecuencias globales.
This briefing offers a descriptive perspective regarding remittance transfer growth in 2024. We point out that, this year, flows will experience less than six percent growth. The memo highlights some insight on migration, historic growth, competition in the marketplace, and what growth can be expected for 2024.
This briefing offers an update on remittance growth in Mexico for 2024 by looking past trends as well as key issues. Additionally, the memo shows how government policy has sought to intervene at the point of sending or receiving in certain ways, and that the overall upward trend is sustained by migration and remittance frequency. Lastly, the memo signals a slowdown in principal sent that is partly associated with microeconomic inflationary trends.
Setting aside the debate surrounding the legitimacy and popularity of President Nayib Bukele, he has a number of challenges ahead of him in the social, political, and economic sphere. In large part, these challenges are his legacy as they result from the decisions implemented in his first presidential term. Paradoxically, when it comes to overcoming the country’s main problems, President Bukele is his own worst enemy.
[Entre 2022 y 2023] unos 1,200 vuelos contratados de forma privada para transportar pasajeros que fueron directamente en ruta a la frontera sur con Estados Unidos [aterrizaron en Managua].
El oportunismo político y mercantilista de autoridades nicaragüenses y empresas privadas abrió la puerta para continuar trayendo personas por otras rutas.