Social Equity

Despite making great strides in recent years, Latin America and the Caribbean remains the most unequal region in the world. To effectively deliver on the promise of economic growth and democratic governance, the region’s institutions need better guarantee shared prosperity, protections, and rights.

The Inter-American Dialogue works to bring public attention to Latin America’s long-neglected social agenda. Our research and efforts focus specifically on taxation and social spending, women’s leadership and gender rights, and access to quality education.

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Photo of a family - Home Visiting Programs report´s cover.

Home Visiting Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean

The study “Overview of Home Visiting Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean”, elaborated by GRADE, UNICEF LACRO and the Inter-American Dialogue, highlights the importance of home visits in enhancing the care and early development of children.

Photo of report cover

Perú: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Perú ha avanzado significativamente en los marcos normativos para proveer una mejora en el desarrollo infantil, pero aún hay brechas importantes por superar. A continuación, se presenta el informe sobre políticas públicas de primera infancia en Perú.

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El alcalde Pumarejo ha priorizado el apoyo a la población migrante y refugiada venezolana de Barranquilla a través de políticas inclusivas, que pueden servir como modelos para las Américas mientras sus líderes continúan lidiando con una crisis migratoria en todo el hemisferio.