Tropical forests, which cover 6 percent of Earth, are our planet’s largest natural carbon sink and our first line of defense against climate change. Even with massive human effort at reducing emissions, reaching the 1.5-degree target is not possible without forest restoration. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), whose forests…Read more +
Dialogue Non-Resident Senior Fellow Ángel Melguizo and Victor Muñoz distill key findings from a recent report on IoT technology and prospects for broader application in Latin America and the Caribbean.Read more +
In June 2019, after two decades of on and off negotiations, the European Union and Mercosur, the South American customs union consisting of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, reached an agreement to dramatically expand economic cooperation between the two blocs. This unprecedented free trade agreement would not only eliminate over…Read more +
Tower deployment has been growing steadily in Latin America. In this article, the authors discuss telecommunications tower infrastructure in the region.Read more +
Will Latin America's critical minerals spur a "green resource curse" this century? What kinds of policy tools are available to mitigate the risks?Read more +
Despite many challenges in implementation, RELAC presents an opportunity to transform electricity systems while improving energy equity region-wide.Read more +
To learn about the implications of the recent Eletrobras sale, the prospects of Petrobras privatization, and how both are affected by the likely return of Lula, the Dialogue's Energy & Climate Program spoke to Dr. Mark Langevin, adjunct professor and senior fellow at George Mason University and senior advisor to Horizon Client Access.Read more +
On June 30, 2022, the US Supreme Court issued a ruling that severely restricts the federal government’s ability to fight climate change via regulations.Read more +
This blog details some of the responses implemented by telecommunication companies in the region to address connectivity problems in order to ensure students can continue their online education. Read more +
The Latin America Advisor interviewed Gabrielle Trebat, managing director for Brazil & the Southern Cone at McLarty Associates, to talk about the latest political developments in Brazil and scandals surrounding President Jair Bolsonaro.Read more +
The actions, or lack thereof, of the presidents of the region’s two biggest countries, Mexico and Brazil, have drawn particular scrutiny, casting a fresh spotlight on populism in Latin America and its particular vulnerabilities in the face of a global pandemic.Read more +
The perfect storm of the plummeting oil price and the Covid-19 pandemic could have dire consequences for oil-dependent Latin American economies, lead to a reduction in upstream investment, and damage the prospects for renewable energy projects.Read more +
Ante la visita del Presidente ecuatoriano Lenín Moreno a Washington, el Latin America Advisor entrevistó a Diego Caicedo, el ministro de producción, comercio exterior, inversiones y pesca de Ecuador.Read more +
Full application of China's Social Credit System in 2020 will make it exceedingly difficult and costly for Latin American businesses to comply with Chinese regulations. Read more +