All blogs Written by Bruno Binetti

Few Changes After Argentina’s Legislative Elections

Bruno Binetti, Gastón Ocampo ˙ ˙ Voces

Fernández habla en movilización del Frente de Todos Twitter / Alberto Fernandez
On the night of November 14, Argentine President Alberto Fernández euphorically celebrated an electoral defeat. Earlier that day, in the legislative elections, the ruling Peronist coalition –Frente de Todos– obtained only 33.5 percent of the national vote against 42 percent of the opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio. Why was the president celebrating, then, apart from lifting the spirits of Peronist supporters?Read more +

Argentina: Back to Normal

Bruno Binetti ˙ ˙ Voces

Casa Rosada/ Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0
Mauricio Macri’s failure confirms that there seems to be no politically sustainable way to open up and reform Argentina’s economy. The long-term benefits of liberalizing, improving competitiveness and reducing fiscal spending might be clear in theory, but the immediate social costs of these policies are simply too high for Argentines to bear.Read more +

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