Tower deployment has been growing steadily in Latin America. In this article, the authors discuss telecommunications tower infrastructure in the region.Read more +
Will Latin America's critical minerals spur a "green resource curse" this century? What kinds of policy tools are available to mitigate the risks?Read more +
Argentina has an important challenge ahead: avoiding an escalation of the current economic crisis leading to a major social and political turmoil under the government of the Frente de Todos (FDT), the incumbent coalition led by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (CFK). A 90 percent yearly inflation rate expected for 2022,…Read more +
Despite many challenges in implementation, RELAC presents an opportunity to transform electricity systems while improving energy equity region-wide.Read more +
Emanuela Di Gropello, Ariel Fiszbein, Juan Diego Alonso
School reopening is a much-awaited stage across the region and gives way to new challenges, schooling return, and learning recovery. World Bank Group’s Acting Now report noted the impacts of LAC’s education systems closed.Read more +
On the night of November 14, Argentine President Alberto Fernández euphorically celebrated an electoral defeat. Earlier that day, in the legislative elections, the ruling Peronist coalition –Frente de Todos– obtained only 33.5 percent of the national vote against 42 percent of the opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio. Why was the president celebrating, then, apart from lifting the spirits of Peronist supporters?Read more +
Argentina’s ruling Peronist coalition -Frente de Todos- came close to collapsing after suffering a humiliating defeat in the September 12 primary elections, when it obtained only 32 percent of the vote nationally, against 42 percent for the opposition coalition, Juntos por el Cambio.Read more +
Gladys Gerbaud Navarro, Daniela Saez, Javier Quesada
On July 8, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Inter-American Institute for Children and Adolescents (IIN-OAS), with the support of the LEGO Foundation, held an online event to present a competence framework for early childhood care and education staff.Read more +
This blog details some of the responses implemented by telecommunication companies in the region to address connectivity problems in order to ensure students can continue their online education. Read more +
The perfect storm of the plummeting oil price and the Covid-19 pandemic could have dire consequences for oil-dependent Latin American economies, lead to a reduction in upstream investment, and damage the prospects for renewable energy projects.Read more +