Alejandra Vargas Durango, Lucas Martins Carvalho
The International Month of Women and Girls in Science is an opportunity not only to reflect on the state of their participation in scientific studies but to promote social awareness about the importance of achieving equal access for women to decent work in an industry such as STEM, with enormous…Read more +
The Latin America Advisor’s latest video features Thea Lee, the U.S. Labor Department’s deputy undersecretary for international affairs. Lee spoke with Advisor editor Gene Kuleta about labor issues in Latin America. View the latest Advisor video here: To watch other Advisor videos on technology’s role in Latin America’s economic…Read more +
Santiago Canton, Michael Matera, Maria Jaraquemada Hederra, Mark L. Schneider
Latin America and the Caribbean face stubbornly high levels of poverty, inequality, political polarization, violence, corruption and impunity.Read more +
Rebecca Bill Chavez, Manuel Orozco
Migration is a local phenomenon. Although national governments are key players in crafting policy to address the hemisphere-wide migration crisis, mayors are the ones feeling and dealing with the pressure and, in many cases, developing inclusive solutions. Read more +
Elvira Mendoza Romero, David Velázquez Seiferheld
This blog post consists of an interview with working group member Elvira Mendoza, director of the Rosedal Educational Institution in Colombia, and David Velázquez, researcher at the Universidad Nacional de Villarrica del Espíritu Santo in Paraguay.Read more +
This blog is complementary to the event "Opportunities for Renewal in the Teaching Staff" and includes an interview with Verónica Cabezas, president of the board of Elige Educar.Read more +
Emanuela Di Gropello, Ariel Fiszbein, Juan Diego Alonso
School reopening is a much-awaited stage across the region and gives way to new challenges, schooling return, and learning recovery. World Bank Group’s Acting Now report noted the impacts of LAC’s education systems closed.Read more +
Ha desatado polémica la reciente visita a Cuba del cardenal Sean Patrick O'Malley, arzobispo de Boston. La llegada del Cardenal a la Isla ocurre justamente a dos meses de las multitudinarias protestas ocurridas en Cuba los pasados días 11 y 12 de julio. Desde sectores del laicado católico, la oposición política, la sociedad civil, y el exilio de Miami, se afirma que se trata de una “operación” de “lavado rostro” al gobierno cubano -con la ayuda de la jerarquía católica local- luego de los acontecimientos de julio pasado, que arrojaron cientos de encarcelados, sobre todo jóvenes.Read more +
This blog refers to the “Thriving in San Marcos” initiative carried out in partnership with Cities Alliance. and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. “Thriving in San Marcos” promotes a skilled, professional workforce among future generations in the MANCUERNA region of Guatemala through our B’etil Diploma, an extracurricular education program with a pre-professional focus in collaboration…Read more +
Gladys Gerbaud Navarro, Daniela Saez, Javier Quesada
On July 8, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Inter-American Institute for Children and Adolescents (IIN-OAS), with the support of the LEGO Foundation, held an online event to present a competence framework for early childhood care and education staff.Read more +
Chile’s initiative to fully phase out coal generation by 2040 will be critical for the Southern Cone country to comply with its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. However, despite the urgency of slashing Chile’s emissions, ensuring that coal workers are not economically abandoned in the process exemplifies one of the main challenges for policymakers surrounding the just transition.Read more +
How has the pandemic affected the growth of children in the Latin American region? Ángela Constanza Jerez, coordinator of NiñezYA, presents the findings of their latest report on the impact of the pandemic on the rights of children. Read more +
The Latin America Advisor interviewed Michael Reid, senior editor for Latin America and Spain at The Economist, about Latin America's social contract and the upcoming election supercycle.Read more +
Trump nos ha recordado a todos que el gobierno cubano no ha dialogado, no dialoga, ni dialogará con una pistola en la cabeza. Esto, más que un enunciado rimbombante, es un dato histórico luego de 1959. En ese sentido, el camino trazado por Barack Obama con respecto a Cuba, por su clarividencia y capacidad estratégica, sigue siendo el que más convergencia guarda con los intereses de los pueblos cubano y norteamericano.Read more +
The country is perhaps more profoundly and bitterly polarized than ever, with a high level of mutual distrust. Trumpism proved not to be a fleeting phenomenon, but a movement that is likely to persist and be part of the US political landscape for some time.Read more +