All blogs Written by Peter Hakim

Remaking US-Brazilian Relations: The Odyssey of Trump and Bolsonaro

Peter Hakim ˙ ˙ Voces

Palácio do Planalto / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
It is hard to imagine exactly what kind of deal Bolsonaro and Trump, both anomalous, unconventional leaders, drawn to one another mainly by temperament and ideology, could strike with another. Could they really end up accomplishing what previous governments in both countries had failed to achieve? Could they forge an alliance between two countries that have long maintained a rather distant and often distrustful relationship?Read more +

Preparing for a World of Disorder

Peter Hakim ˙ ˙ Voces

Kai Schreiber / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0
Recent global developments offer substantial evidence that the so-called liberal or rule-based international order, set in place in the aftermath of World War II, is fast eroding with no replacement in sight. The important question now is how governments across the globe should be adjusting to the systemic changes taking place in world politics and the new risks they pose. Read more +

The High Cost of Tampering with NAFTA

Peter Hakim ˙ ˙ Voces

Presidencia de la República Mexicana / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
After little more than a year of tension-filled talks, US and Mexican negotiators have reached a preliminary agreement that would largely preserve, in both concept and content, the original NAFTA. But for both Mexico and Canada, the uncertain and painful renegotiation of NAFTA comes with high costs beyond the expected economic losses. Resolving the NAFTA dispute will not repair the damage Trump has inflicted on US relations with both Mexico and Canada. Read more +

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