
Chile’s Coal Phase-Out: Opportunities for a Just Transition

Sarah Phillips, Ignacio Albe ˙ ˙ Voces

Smokestacks at a power plant Nick Humphries / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Chile’s initiative to fully phase out coal generation by 2040 will be critical for the Southern Cone country to comply with its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. However, despite the urgency of slashing Chile’s emissions, ensuring that coal workers are not economically abandoned in the process exemplifies one of the main challenges for policymakers surrounding the just transition.Read more +

Chile’s Constitutional Convention: The Ascent of the Anti-Establishment Left and the Death of the Moderate Center

William Skewes-Cox ˙ ˙ Voces

Chilean protesters on the street in 2019 holding signs that say Daniel Correa / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
The failure of the right to obtain sufficient seats for a veto, the near total rejection of the moderate parties that historically have governed Chile, and the stunning power of anti-establishment, independent leftists all point towards a Convention that will draft a thoroughly leftist new constitution.Read more +