Opportunities for Renewal in the Teaching Staff – Interview with Verónica Cabezas Verónica Cabezas ˙ Mar 16, 2022 ˙ PREAL Blog Julia M Cameron / Pexels / CC0 This blog is complementary to the event "Opportunities for Renewal in the Teaching Staff" and includes an interview with Verónica Cabezas, president of the board of Elige Educar.Read more +
ICTs & Teacher Training in Latin America Sarah Swig ˙ Feb 17, 2015 ˙ PREAL Blog Photo credit: Plan de Formación docente-Pedagógica: Cursos SPSS Inicial y Avanzado / Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Using Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in the classroom.Read more +
Teacher Status Around the World ˙ Mar 27, 2014 ˙ PREAL Blog “Teacher Checking up on Pupils’ Progress”/Christoph Derndorfer/flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0 How are teachers perceived by the public? A look at what 21 countries think.Read more +
Attracting the Best to the Teaching Profession ˙ Jun 7, 2013 ˙ PREAL Blog UNT.edu Study explores how talented students decide whether to enter the teaching profession. What factors are important?Read more +
International Summit on the Teaching Profession ˙ Mar 8, 2013 ˙ PREAL Blog CEIB Focus on teacher evaluations and professional standards in the Third Annual International Summit on the Teaching Profession.Read more +
Improving the Teaching Profession in Guatemala ˙ Aug 27, 2012 ˙ PREAL Blog UVG Links to agenda and media coverage of a conference on the state of the teaching profession in Guatemala.Read more +