Growing Chinese Presence & Taiwan’s Influence Paul Shortell, Mackenzie Welch ˙ Aug 27, 2014 ˙ Asia & Latin America Central America is one of Taiwan’s only remaining diplomatic strongholds.Read more +
What Is Driving Peru’s Relationship with China? Margaret Myers, Cynthia McClintock, Carlos Mateo Paz-Soldan ˙ Mar 19, 2013 ˙ Asia & Latin America What is the state of Peru-China commercial ties today? Read more +
China’s FTAs in South America Carol Wise ˙ Nov 15, 2012 ˙ Asia & Latin America Today’s boom in commodity sales to China in Latin America has influenced policy choices over the past decade.Read more +
Chinese Trade & Investment in Colombia & Ecuador Margaret Myers ˙ Nov 7, 2012 ˙ Asia & Latin America Colombia and Ecuador have strikingly different relationships with China.Read more +
Chinese News Coverage of Latin America Margaret Myers ˙ Sep 26, 2012 ˙ Asia & Latin America Highlights from Chinese news about Latin America in September.Read more +