
Ana Valero Huete

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Photo of Valero Huete
Ana Valero Huete has more than 25 years of professional experience in the telecommunications sector, focusing most of her career in Latin America.Read more +

Julissa Cruz Abreu

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Photo of Cruz Abreu
Julissa Cruz Abreu is a telecommunications expert with more than 20 years of experience as a public servant at the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (INDOTEL), the Dominican Republic's telecommunications regulatory body, where she has served, among other positions, as director of international relations, commissioner of compliance, and head of the regulation department. Cruz Abreu has been an active actor in the initiatives and development of the current INDOTEL's regulatory framework.Read more +

Martha Suárez

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Photo of Martha Suarez
Martha Suarez is president of the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance and has over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. In her current role at the DSA, Suarez advocates for laws and regulations that will lead to more efficient and effective spectrum utilization, which is essential to addressing key worldwide social and economic challenges.Read more +

Agustín Porres

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Photo of Agustín Porres
Agustín Porres is the regional director for Latin America at the Varkey Foundation, an organization dedicated to celebrating and empowering the teaching profession worldwide.Read more +

Christian O’Flaherty

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Photo of Christian O'Flaherty
Christian O'Flaherty is vice president for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Internet Society, collaborating with governments, businesses, and technical communities for the development of the internet in the region.Read more +

Lucía Acurio

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Photo of Lucia Acurio
Lucía Acurio is global director of GrupoEdutec, an organization she founded in 1997 to design and implement educational innovation strategies. Acurio also directs Propósito Perú, a non-profit organization dedicated to achieving Zero Children without Learning by 2030. She is currently president of the CADE Education organization in Peru.Read more +

Melania Brenes-Monge

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Photo of Melania
Melania Brenes-Monge is a Costa Rican specialist in projects and programs for the educational use of digital technologies. She serves as the academic vice president at EduTech in Central America, a company that seeks to support educational systems to develop wide-scale capabilities through the inclusion of digital technologies.Read more +

Alexandre Barbosa

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Photo of Barbosa
Alexandre Barbosa is the head of the Regional Center of Studies for the Development of the Information Society (, a department of the Information and Coordination Nucleus of Point BR (, which works under UNESCO.Read more +

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