
Balance económico y político del Covid-19 en el Perú

Luis Miguel Castilla ˙ ˙ Voces

Martín Vizcarra Presidencia Peru / Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
El Perú ha logrado salir airoso de otras duras pruebas en el pasado y no hay razón alguna que permita anticipar que esto no vuelva ocurrir. Las elecciones del próximo año serán clave para determinar el futuro de millones de ciudadanos peruanos y se logre impulsar una agenda que revierta el deterioro social del país y lo haga menos vulnerable a los shocks que a futuro se tendrán que enfrentar.Read more +

Latin America and Covid-19: Conditions for a Sustained Recovery

Luis Miguel Castilla ˙ ˙ Voces

Publio Gonzalez, a biologist with the Gorgas Institute, holds a bat June 6, 2018, in Meteti, Panama. Gonzalez and U.S. military doctors were participating in an Emerging Infectious Diseases Training Event, in which they received informational lectures from Panamanian infectious disease experts and field studies of possible virus-carrying wildlife and insects. The event took place during Exercise New Horizons 2018, which is a joint training exercise where U.S. military members conduct training in civil engineer, medical, and support services while benefiting the local community US Air Force / Senior Airman Dustin Mullen
Latin America and the Caribbean is confronting a severe recession with uncertain prospects. Although the recovery will primarily depend on external factors, three key components will determine whether the region is capable of sustaining its path of economic prosperity and social cohesion: sound economic management, access to external finance and delivery of quality public goods and services to all its citizens. Covid-19 introduces the sense of urgency as well as an opportunity to continue making real progress.Read more +