Buenos Aires Measures the Quality of Its Education Silvia Montoya, Víctor Volman ˙ Apr 24, 2014 ˙ PREAL Blog “Escuela Verde N°200 de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Escuela N°17 DE 11”/Ministerio de Educación de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires/Facebook. Discussing an innovative approach to monitor the effectiveness of education.Read more +
PISA 2012: Some good news from Colombia Eduardo Vélez Bustillo ˙ Jan 28, 2014 ˙ PREAL Blog “Alumnos rindiendo las pruebas correspondientes al Tercer Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo (TERCE)” / Carolina Jerez / UNESCO / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Why did Manizales EAU (Escuela Activa Urbana) score significantly higher than other public schools in the 2012 PISA results?Read more +
The Knowledge Economy in Latin America Eduardo Velez Bustillo ˙ Feb 15, 2013 ˙ PREAL Blog How are Latin American and Caribbean countries taking advantage of global changes in tech? Read more +
Why does East Asia and the Pacific produce better education results than Latin America and the Caribbean? One possible explanation Eduardo Vélez Bustillo ˙ Sep 20, 2012 ˙ PREAL Blog In comparing the two regions, the author finds "time on task" is an important factor to consider. Read more +
How to improve the quality of education in Latin America Eduardo Vélez Bustillo ˙ Aug 16, 2012 ˙ PREAL Blog soeducated.com The author suggests the key to improving the quality of students in Latin America rests on reading comprehension.Read more +
Human Capital and the Latin American Growth Puzzle Eric A. Hanushek ˙ Jul 18, 2012 ˙ PREAL Blog Nahmias Technology Group and the Hoover Institute What is long run growth linked to and what does this mean for Latin American Countries?Read more +