
Myers, Bloomberg (Nov 14, 2023)

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The timing [of the China-Argentina currency swap] is intentional. It’s done in a moment when it’s very clear that [the Argentine presidential] election could go in two very different directions.Read more +

Myers, Diálogo Chino (Nov 14, 2023)

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China will engage with Argentina in whatever form possible, regardless of the outcome of the presidential election. That said, a Milei win would no doubt result in a rethinking of relations with China, and possibly even a review of existing projects.Read more +

William Alan Reinsch

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Photo of William Alan Reinsch
William Reinsch holds the Scholl Chair in International Business at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and is a senior adviser at Kelley, Drye & Warren LLP.Read more +

Myers, Associated Press (July 28, 2023)

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The use of the yuan is growing, especially in those countries that are looking to establish stronger ties with China, that view themselves as in some way politically aligned on this particular objective of decreasing their overall reliance on the dollar and on the US in general.Read more +

Myers, Le Monde (July 3, 2023)

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Les crédits massifs avaient contribué à asseoir la présence des entreprises chinoises sur le terrain, leur ouvrant des marchés et les internationalisant … Aujourd’hui, celles-ci n’en ont plus besoin. Elles sont devenues compétitives. Elles travaillent en partenariat avec d’autres sociétés, y compris internationales, et apportent leur propre financement.Read more +

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