
Photo: U.S. Government.

Is Congress Likely to Approve the USMCA This Year?

What is the outlook and most-likely timeline for advancing USMCA in the 116th Congress?

Carla A. Hills, Arturo Sarukhán, Andrés Rozental, Pascale Siegel, Miyako Yerick, Christopher Sands

Latin America Advisor ˙

Photo: U.S. Government.

¿Aprobará el Congreso el USMCA este año?

¿Cuál es el camino más probable hacia la aprobación del USMCA?

Carla A. Hills, Arturo Sarukhán, Andrés Rozental, Pascale Siegel, Miyako Yerick, Christopher Sands

Latin America Advisor ˙

File Photo: Mexican Government.

¿Ejercerán un nuevo poder los sindicatos de México bajo AMLO?

¿Cuáles son las razones detrás de las huelgas de los trabajadores, y habrá más conflictos laborales en los próximos meses?

Carlos H. Aceves del Olmo, Richard Sinkin, Brian Finnegan, Gladys Cisneros, Carlos Ferrán Martínez

Latin America Advisor ˙


The Outlook for Renewable Energy under the AMLO Administration

AMLO’s skepticism of private investment, the cancellation of generation and transmission auctions, and the return to state-led electricity development through bolstering of the CFE threaten to squander Mexico’s renewable potential and drag its clean development efforts backwards.

Lisa Viscidi

Presentations ˙ ˙ Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars


Trump amenaza y AMLO se defiende: ¿Dónde está el problema?

El presidente Donald Trump amenaza con cerrar la frontera con México si el presidente de ese país, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, no detiene de inmediato la inmigración ilegal. Manuel Orozco habló con CNN Español sobre la decisión de Trump.

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN

Regulators and Companies Still Central to Mexico’s Energy Sector

Regulators and private companies will continue to play important roles in the development of Mexico’s energy resources despite President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s focus on strengthening state-owned companies and enhancing “energy sovereignty” by reducing dependence on energy imports from the United States. This was the key message from speakers at “La nueva política energética de México,” an Inter-American Dialogue event in Mexico City.

Nate Graham

Event Summaries ˙

Mexico’s Problematic Energy Policy

Just as Pemex bonds suffered a downgrading to junk status by Fitch, Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy Program, sat down with Nathaniel Parish Flannery of Forbes to discuss the state of Mexico’s energy sector, including oil and gas, regulators, and renewables, seven months into the AMLO administration.

Lisa Viscidi, Nathaniel Parish Flannery

Interviews ˙ ˙ Forbes

Foto: Gobierno de China.

¿Qué ganan México y China de lazos más fuertes?

¿Cómo se verían los lazos más fuertes entre México y China, y cómo puede ganar cada país?

Margaret Myers, Ricardo Barrios, Beatrice Rangel, Haibin Niu, Tony Payan, Enrique Dussel Peters

Latin America Advisor ˙

Mexico’s Energy Reform: Bridging the Skills Gap

Firms across Latin America are complaining about the difficulties of recruiting workers with the technical skills their businesses demand. Lack of adequate skills is becoming a bottleneck for growth in technologically complex industries, harming government efforts to increase investment in strategic sectors of the economy. In Mexico, the energy reform creates opportunities to generate new jobs and educate and train workers in specialized skillsets, but the country will also face challenges in meeting additional demand for skilled labor.

Lisa Viscidi, Rebecca O’Connor

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report


The Oil from Ipanema

Brazil has vast oil reserves, but can the Bolsonaro government get the energy to market? Lisa Viscidi tells Richard Miles of CSIS that reforms are already in place that will enable oil production “to take off.” The real obstacles are the financial stability of Petrobras, the shaky state oil conglomerate, and the monopoly that the state has on most aspects of energy production, delivery, and even retail sales.

Lisa Viscidi, Richard Miles

Interviews ˙ ˙ Center for Strategic & International Studies

Informe de México

México: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

El Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia de México, elaborado por Mexicanos Primero, busca medir el avance hacia el cumplimiento de los acuerdos de la Agenda Regional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Primera Infancia.

Mexicanos Primero, Diálogo Interaméricano, Pacto por la Primera Infancia

Reports ˙ ˙ Descargue el Informe