
Michael Shifter Video

Shifter: “The Summit will reflect that the political and diplomatic influence of the US has diminished substantially in the region”

On June 6 Michael Shifter, senior fellow of the Inter-American Dialogue, was interviewed by the Hopkins Podcast of Foreign Affairs about the IX Summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles. On top of the successes and shortcomings of the Summit, the conversation also covered the most recent developments of US foreign policy towards Latin America.

Michael Shifter

Podcasts ˙ ˙ Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs

Shifter y Montaño Video

Shifter: “La tarea del Diálogo es todavía más importante pero también mas difícil que nunca”

El 28 de febrero 2022 Michael Shifter, presidente de Diálogo Interamericano, dialogó con el rector de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, César Montaño Galarza. La entrevista se realizó por el programa radio y podcast Café con el rector de la emisora Voz Andina Internacional. Al centro de la discusión se encontró la democracia en América Latina y la importancia del diálogo político en la región y el mundo.

Michael Shifter

Podcasts ˙ ˙ Voz Andina Internacional

Secretary Antony Blinken and Vice President Marta Lucia Ramirez in Bogota Video

Shifter explores the challenges Blinken will face in Latin America’s political environment

Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke in an interview with The Washington Post Podcast regarding the challenges the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will face in Latin America, given the current socio-political climate in the Americas. Shifter acknowledged that Blinken gave a positive diagnosis of the region and emphasized the importance of being realistic regarding US relations with Latin America.

Michael Shifter

Podcasts ˙ ˙ Washington Post

Elecciones 2021 Peru Video

Peru’s Uncertain Future

In an interview with the Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs, Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, discussed what the 2021 Peruvian Presidential Elections meant for the country as a whole. He answered questions regarding the background of the presidential candidates and how the results of this election could be a potential trend for the future of Latin American politics.  

Michael Shifter, Franz Osilia, Megan Rutkai

Podcasts ˙ ˙ Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs

Michael Shifter Video

Shifter: “Es muy difícil imaginar una decisión más cínica que la de poner a Cuba en la lista de países que patrocinan el terrorismo en el mundo.”

En entrevista con El Washington Post, él podcast en español de The Washington Post, Michael Shifter comentó acerca de la inclusión de Cuba en la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo y las implicaciones que esto tendrá para la administración Biden.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri, Dori Toribio , Jorge Espinosa

Podcasts ˙ ˙ El Washington Post

El Washington Post Video

La elección en el BID

En el podcast en español El Washington Post Michael Shifter habló sobre el nuevo presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Mauricio Claver-Carone. Shifter comentó sobre la falta de liderazgo en la región y cómo Claver-Carone tiene una oportunidad única para unificar al hemisferio.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Washington Post

Oil rig at sunset Video

Latin American State Oil Companies and Climate Change

Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries Program, sat down with Natural Gas World to discuss her recent report, Latin American State Oil Companies: Decarbonization Strategies and Role in the Energy Transition.

Lisa Viscidi

Podcasts ˙ ˙ In a Nutshell

Alliot Abrams speaking Video

Elliot Abrams’ Appointment and the Seizure of Tankers From Iran to Venezuela

Michael Shifter was a featured guest on the podcast Background Briefing with Ian Masters where he spoke about current events affecting Venezuela. The conversation focused on Elliot Abrams’ recent appointment to special envoy for both Venezuela and Iran as well as the United States’ seizure of Iranian tankers headed to Venezuela.

Michael Shifter, Ian Masters

Interviews ˙ ˙ Background Briefing

Capitol Crude Podcast by S&P Global Platts Video

A new president for Guyana, the next non-OPEC oil giant

Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries Program, sits down with S&P Global Platts to discuss Guyana’s newly inaugurated president and the implications for its oil future.

Lisa Viscidi

Interviews ˙ ˙ S&P Global Platts