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Your search produced 270 results.


Bolsonaro & Trump: What Lies Ahead for Brazil-US Relations?

On March 13 the Inter-American Dialogue and Johns Hopkins University´s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) hosted a discussion on the Trump Bolsonaro summit, and what we can expect from the relationship between the new Brazilian administration and the United States.

Event Summaries ˙


Trump y Bolsonaro, Venezuela, Caricom

En este episodio de Club de Prensa, Michael Shifter analizó la actualidad del hemisferio. Entre los temas que analizo estaban la reunión entre Trump y Bolsonaro, la reunión de Trump con el Caricom, las relaciones de China con America Latina, los rumores sobre la relección de AMLO y la Justicia Especial para la Paz.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


Foreign Policy in Bolsonaro’s Brazil

On February 11th, the Inter-American Dialogue and Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) hosted the third event in a series dedicated to Brazil.

Missy Reif

Event Summaries ˙

Foreign Policy in Bolsonaro’s Brazil

While Bolsonaro is still defining his approach to regional and world affairs, he seems ready to discard many of Brazil’s long-established foreign policies and turn away from the principles that underlay them. The new president and his foreign minister have called for a reversal of Brazil’s traditional assertion of independence…

Em Davos, Bolsonaro frustra quem queria dados e quem ‘torcia’ por polêmicas

A passagem de Bolsonaro por Davos, na Suíça, foi considerada rasa, sem grandes destaques, mas também longe de escorregões, segundo analistas ouvidos pelo UOL — entre eles, o ex-embaixador Rubens Ricupero, e o brasilianista Peter Hakim, presidente emérito do Inter-American Dialogue, em Washington (EUA).

Peter Hakim

Interviews ˙ ˙ UOL

Who will save Brazil’s democracy if Jair Bolsonaro tries to destroy it?

Bolsonaro’s authoritarian rhetoric was hotly debated during the presidential campaign. His supporters embraced his brash promises to bring law and order to a country beset by crime, corruption and economic struggles. His opponents feared a resurgence of military rule or the emergence of a Duterte-style police state.

Michael Camilleri, Benjamin Gedan

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Miami Herald

Foreign Policy in the Era of Populism: Trump’s America and Bolsonaro’s Brazil

According to Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, the past three decades of US foreign policy have led to unnecessary wars, tragic death and failed diplomacy. Walt shares his insights with Jane Wales, World Affairs CEO, about how to reorient US foreign policy and…

Peter Hakim

Interviews ˙ ˙ World Affairs Council

CSIS Video

What Will AMLO and Bolsonaro Do To Energy Markets?

New leaders in Mexico and Brazil may mean big changes to their respective energy sectors. Lisa Viscidi tells Richard Miles of CSIS that a Mexican delay on offshore bidding could have a major impact, but that Brazil is likely to maintain the status quo. Venezuela could take years to recover production once it emerges from its current crisis, given the massive investment required to reverse declining oil output.

Lisa Viscidi

Interviews ˙ ˙ Center for Strategic & International Studies


Bolsonaro as ‘Tropical Trump’ and his impact on Brazil’s oil markets

Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in the Brazilian presidential election was widely seen as promising for the country’s oil sector, which has been revitalized by reforms that opened the upstream market under the Temer administration, but many questions remain unanswered as the January 1 inauguration approaches. Lisa Viscidi spoke with Meghan Gordon and Brian Scheid of the Capitol Crude podcast about the future of Petrobas and its subsidiaries, fuel subsidies, and deepwater exploration under Bolsonaro. 

Lisa Viscidi

Interviews ˙ ˙ S&P Global Platts