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Photo of Lula

What Factors Will Decide Who Wins Brazil’s Election?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on Brazil’s presidential election and who might win in the runoff.

Peter Hakim, Gabrielle Trebat, Abraham Lowenthal, Joel Korn

Latin America Advisor ˙

Photo of Peter Hakim

Brasilianistas admitem surpresa e avaliam estratégias

Peter Hakim, presidente emérito do Diálogo Interamericano, conversou com o Correio Braziliense sobre as eleições em Brasil. Hakim admitiu ter ficado muito surpreso com a voz das urnas e avaliou estratégias para a segunda ronda eleitoral. 

Peter Hakim

Interviews ˙ ˙ Correio Braziliense

Panorama of Rio de Janeiro at night

What Do Privatization Efforts in the Energy Sector Mean for Brazil?

To learn about the implications of the recent Eletrobras sale, the prospects of Petrobras privatization, and how both are affected by the likely return of Lula, the Dialogue’s Energy & Climate Program spoke to Dr. Mark Langevin, adjunct professor and senior fellow at George Mason University and senior advisor to Horizon Client Access.

Mark Langevin

Heads of state from across the Americas are to gather next month in Los Angeles for the Summit of the Americas. A meeting of the most recent summit, in Lima in 2018, is pictured. // File Photo: Peruvian Government

A Policy for a Post-American Latin America

Hosting the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles from June 6 to June 10 was supposed to be a golden opportunity for US President Joe Biden to forge closer ties with Latin America and the Caribbean.

Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs

collage of panelists with map of the Americas Video

Renewed Cooperation in a Troubled Hemisphere – Towards the Summit of the Americas

On March 31, 2022, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a public event to present its biennial Sol M. Linowitz policy report titled: “The Case for Renewed Cooperation in a Troubled Hemisphere: Towards the Ninth Summit of the Americas”. During the event, panelists discussed the main findings and recommendations of the report and analyzed the current state of regional and hemispheric cooperation.

Andrea Colombo

Event Summaries ˙

Shifter en Foro Video

Shifter: “Es muy difícil romper el patrón de corrupción en la región”

La democracia en América Latina enfrenta monumentales desafíos en el 2022, según organismos internacionales. Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, habló con Foro de Voz de América sobre la realización de elecciones en tres países y la demanda pública por más transparencia por parte de los gobiernos se pondrá a prueba en el nuevo año.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Voz de América

Among the elections in Latin America in 2022 is Brazil’s October presidential vote, in which President Jair Bolsonaro is facing a tough fight for re-election against former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. // File Photo: Brazilian Government.

What Will Next Year Bring in Latin America’s Politics?

With elections coming up in 2022 in Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica, which countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will be the political hot spots to watch next year? What political trends will be the strongest in the coming year, and what traits will countries’ political trajectories have in common? Is authoritarianism and polarization likely to worsen in the region in 2022, and what factors would influence that?

Peter Hakim

Latin America Advisor ˙

MS with La Tercera Chile Video

¿Qué esperar de Chile en la segunda vuelta?

Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en una entrevista con La Tercera para hablar sobre la segunda vuelta de elecciones en Chile. En la entrevista se trato sobre los temas más urgentes que el próximo presidente deberá abordar, la plataforma política de Boric vs Kast, y las ventajas y preocupaciones de cada candidato.  

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ La Tercera

Lula speaking

Uncertainty in Latin America: A Political Outlook

Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, sits down with Latinvex to answer important questions as three major economies in Latin America – Brazil, Chile, and Colombia – approach presidential elections and other countries face crises and protests. 

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Latinvex