State of Teacher Policies in Central America & DR

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I.  Introduction

There is growing concern in Central America and the Dominican Republic regarding the quality of education. Despite the importance of teachers for learning, the recruitment, selection, training, retention, and support of teachers in most of the countries in the region are still inadequate.

This policy brief summarizes the main findings and recommendations of a regional report on the state of teacher policies in Central America and the Dominican Republic. The regional report is based on national studies prepared by research teams in El Salvador (FUSADES), Guatemala (CIEN), Honduras (FEREMA), and the Dominican Republic (EDUCA). These studies, which seek to foster informed debates among stakeholders, systematically describe the state and reach of teacher policies in the education systems of their countries.

II. What Did the Regional Report Do?

In all four countries, the organizations analyzed the state of teacher policies in nine common dimensions, grouped into three categories:

A) Preparing the Field for Effective Teaching: This category explores whether the country has the fundamental preparatory elements to achieve quality instruction, such as clear expectations, adequate class time, and solid teacher training.

B) Attracting, Hiring, and Retaining Talented Teachers: This category explores whether the existing education systems are able to select and retain the best candidates for teaching, and whether it supports teachers to improve their own practices.

C) Managing for Good Performance: This category explores whether teachers are evaluated on a regular basis, whether they are recognized for good teaching performance and face consequences for consistently weak behavior, and whether schools are assigned resources (both human and physical) to provide high-quality instruction to the most vulnerable children and youth.

This policy brief presents the most relevant findings detected at a regional level, supported by examples from each country. It also summarizes the main recommendations that came out of the national studies, and indicates areas in which teacher policies can improve.

Download the complete report below


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