
Picture of Manuel Orozco Video

Covid-19 Impacts Migrant Vulnerabilities and Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean

Manuel Orozco was interviewed on CGTN America about the impact of the United States’ Covid-19 related economic crisis on Latin American migrants and remittances sent to Latin America. “Migrant workers all over the world are losing their jobs, and perhaps the job losses are higher than for the native-born population. One of the consequences is that migrants feel constrained from continuing sending money to their families.”

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN America

Image of broadcast of a speech by Ortega

Covid-19 Pandemic and the Lack of Democracy in Nicaragua

Manuel Orozco outlines how Daniel Ortega’s regime is using the Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity to ensure political survival. Regardless of the measure used, Nicaragua is the country that has least adhered to efforts to mitigate the pandemic. The consequences of the government’s inaction are deadly.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Money transfers to Venezuela

Money Transfers to Venezuela: Remittance Flows Amidst Evolving Foreign Exchange

This report offers an overview of how foreign currency regulations affect money transfers to Venezuela in addition to describing and explaining Venezuelan migrant remitting behavior in six migrant host countries. It also provides an estimate of the aggregate volume of remittances sent to Venezuela.

Manuel Orozco, Kathryn Klaas

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Picture of Manuel Orozco being interviewed by Ivan Olivares. Video

Se estima una caída de 300 millones de dólares en remesas a Nicaragua

Manuel Orozco fue entrevistado por el periodista de Confidencial, Iván Olivares para hablar sobre las consecuencias de la pandemia en los flujos de remesas. Orozco calcula una pérdida de remesas de unos 300 millones de dólares que afectarán a unas 600 mil familias nicaragüenses.

Manuel Orozco, Iván Olivares

Interviews ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Trabajadores del Estado y simpatizantes orteguistas participan en una actividad del caudillo sandinista Daniel Ortega

El vacío de poder y el secuestro de los servidores públicos

Desde inicios de 2020, Nicaragua se ha estancado ante un vacío de poder que se ha agravado por la crisis de la pandemia, acompañado de un empate político prolongado entre el régimen y los actores del movimiento opositor de la Coalición Nacional.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Northern Triangle: The Origins of America's Migrant Crisis Video

Northern Triangle: The Origins of America’s Migrant Crisis

Great Decisions examines in the documentary “Northern Triangle: The Origins of America’s Migrant Crisis” the Western Hemisphere’s migration crisis and the fractured societies at the heart of it: Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, is one of the featured guests in this documentary. 

Michael Shifter, MacDara King

Interviews ˙ ˙ Foreign Policy Association

Un hombre aborda un bus en Managua en medio de la epidemia del coronavirus

El impacto de la pandemia sobre las remesas en Nicaragua y América Latina

La pandemia causada por el Covid-19 está creando estragos y consecuencias económicas en todo el mundo. En 2020, se proyecta caída de -5 por ciento de las remesas en Nicaragua, recibiendo $75 millones menos, con una caída mayor del turismo, la economía caerá en -2 por ciento.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Black and white globe

Migrants and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Remittances

This analysis offers a glimpse of the potential impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on US immigrants and family remittances. Past events involving worldwide crises can offer insight as to how this pandemic will likely affect remittance transfers. Considering migrants’ financial and health vulnerabilities as well as the forecast recession, a conservative estimate shows that remittances will register a -3 percent decline in 2020 relative to 2019, from $77 billion to $75 billion.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Download Analysis

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean in 2019. Remittance volume and growth. Political instability. Migration and development.

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean in 2019: Emerging Challenges

This report analyzes trends in remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean in 2019 and explores the factors related to slowing remittance growth. Family remittances to the region grew by approximately 8% compared to 2018 and totaled nearly US$100 billion, which stands in contrast to the region’s slower economic growth of 0.6%.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

The Remittance Marketplace in 2019

The Remittance Marketplace in 2019: The Growing Role of Digital Payments

This report analyzes the role of money transfer intermediaries on migrants sending remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean. We look at the current modernization of the payments industry, specifically as it relates to digital payments, analyzes trends in transfer costs, and discusses the proposed changes to the ‘Remittance Rule,’ including the consequences they may have on remittance senders.

Manuel Orozco, Kathryn Klaas, Nicole Ledesma

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Representantes de las diversas organizaciones políticas que conformaron la Coalición Nacional Video

Nicaragua Needs a Political Movement with Proposals and Protests

Manuel Orozco was interviewed by Carlos Fernando Chamorro from Confidencial. He discussed what the people of Nicaragua are hoping for, the power of the National Coalition and the possibilities of political reform in Nicaragua.

Manuel Orozco, Carlos Fernando Chamorro

Interviews ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Manuel Orozco being interviewed by VOA Video

Increased Tensions in Latin America

Manuel Orozco was interviewed on February 14, 2020 by Gonzalo Abarca from VOA Noticias: Foro Interamericano to discuss the H2A visas for Guatamalans, Nayib Bukele’s display of military force and Juan Guaidó’s international tour.

Manuel Orozco, Gonzalo Abarca

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ VOA Noticias Foro Interamericano

Foto de un globo que muestra las Américas

La migración y la democracia: exclusión y expulsión

La exclusión y la expulsión son los resultados de estructuras estatales dañadas, afectadas por muchos países en condiciones estatales fallidas, así como la ausencia de consenso o polarización social y política sobre el tipo de sujeto político que conforma la sociedad moderna.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial