
Teacher assessing student

The Demand for a Post-Pandemic Evaluation Agenda

The following document presents five recommendations developed by the Dialogue’s Civil Society Working Group on conducting educational assessments during school reopening after the pandemic.

Grupo de Trabajo de Sociedad Civil

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Portada de informe con mujeres jugando con niños

Results-Based Budgeting for Early Childhood Development – The Case of Peru

A case study of Peru’s experience with Results-Based Budgeting provides insight for developing a sustainable Early Childhood Development policy.

Roger Salhuana Cavides, Ariela María de los Milagros Luna Florez, Luis Cordero, Atipay, Innovación para la Gestión

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Joe Biden

Shifter: “[Biden] quiere cambiar el rumbo, el enfoque, el estilo y el tono”

Michael Shifter conversó con Alejandra Arredondo de Voice of America acerca de la ausencia de América Latina en el primer discurso sobre política exterior del presidente Joe Biden. Se habló también sobre las nuevas políticas migratorias y el cambio de tono en materia del rol de Estados Unidos en el escenario mundial.

Michael Shifter, Alejandra Arredondo

Interviews ˙ ˙ Voice of America

photo of teacher policy experts in the region

A Regional Approach to Improving Teacher Policy: Lessons from Latin America

The following article by Sarah Stanton, Michelle Guzmán and Lucila Malnatti hopes to make the case for a regional approach to improving teacher policy in Latin America and the Caribbean, to establish priorities in teacher excellence and address them collectively.

Sarah Stanton, Michelle Guzmán, Lucila Malnatti

Reports ˙ ˙ Journal of International Cooperation in Education

Main photo: MINNA

Workshop on National Competencies for Early Childhood Care and Education in Paraguay

In collaboration with the InterAmerican Dialogue and Lego Foundation, the workshop on competencies for early care and education personnel was held on January 20 and January 21, 2021 at the Training Center of the Ministry of Childhood and Adolescence (MINNA) in Asuncion, Paraguay.

Javier Quesada, Claudia Castro

Event Summaries ˙

A health care worker in Chile is pictured getting the Covid-19 vaccination.

How Well Are Covid Vaccinations Going in Latin America?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on widespread vaccination programs in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Katherine E. Bliss, Maria Luisa Ávila, Arachu Castro, Paulo M. Buss, Cuauhtémoc Ruiz Matus, Felicia M. Knaul, Michael Touchton

Latin America Advisor ˙

A student wearing a mask is reading in a classroom.

How Much Has the Pandemic Reversed Education Gains?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A on the challenges for education tin Latin America and the Caribbean following the coronavirus pandemic.

Nora Lustig, Sarah Stanton, Debra Gittler, Leonardo Garnier, Mary Guinn Delaney, Zoila Recinos

Latin America Advisor ˙

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Foro sobre la educación inicial de calidad en México

El 6 de noviembre, 2020, se realizó un foro virtual con el propósito de dar a conocer las recomendaciones contenidas en la Declaración del Foro Regional a representantes del gobierno en primera infancia de las 32 entidades federativas en México.

Centro de Estudios Primera Infancia, Diálogo Interamericano

Reports ˙ ˙ Descargue el documento