
“Maduro todavía tiene recursos para resistir”

Michael Shifter, presidente de Diálogo Interamericano, habló con SEMANA sobre el futuro del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y los recientes movimientos en la región.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Semana

Shifter en su oficina

Shifter: “Factores para debilitar a Maduro no se alinean”

En conversación con El Nuevo Siglo, el Presidente del centro de pensamiento Diálogo Interamericano dijo que, por ahora, Guaidó no tiene suficiente poder y contó que los militares siguen alineados con Maduro. “Hay una oposición bastante débil”, expresó. 

Michael Shifter, Pablo Uribe Ruan

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Nuevo Siglo

The Path to Stability in Venezuela is Narrow Indeed

Juan Guaidó’s proclamation that he is interim president of Venezuela, which has won the full support of the United States and other countries, opens a new phase in the long crisis of that Latin American nation. For the first time in years, dictator Nicolás Maduro is on the defensive, and Venezuelans are hopeful that change is possible. But it would be naïve to think this means the end of the chavista regime.

Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ New York Daily News


Crisis in Venezuela: What lies ahead for Juan Guaidó?

CGTN’s Mike Walter spoke with the President of the Inter-American Dialogue, Michael Shifter, about the crisis in Venezuela. Among the topics discussed were Juan Guaidó’s swearing in as interim president, the role that the military and outside actors will play, and how the crisis might unravel. Comments by Michael Shifter: …

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN


Juan Guaidó: US backs opposition leader as Venezuela president

BBC’s Beyond 100 Days reported on the Venezuelan political crisis. Inter-American Dialogue president Michael Shifter analyzed Juan Guaidó’s swearing in as interim president, as well as the role that the military and external actors will play in Venezuela’s democratic transition. Michael Shitfer’s comments:  “We have two governments in Venezuela –…

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC

Can Venezuela Have a Peaceful Transition?

The country’s opposition has gained new momentum, but it’s the military that will decide the fate of Nicolás Maduro’s presidency.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times

Venezuela on the Brink

Michael Camilleri discusses the many implications of Juan Guaidó’s rise to power in Venezuela.

Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ La Nación


Shifter: EE.UU. y la oposición venezolana no buscan un golpe militar

Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en Directo USA con Juan Carlos López donde discutieron el reconocimiento internacional al gobierno interino de Juan Guaidó en Venezuela, la política de Estados Unidos respecto a Venezuela y los escenarios posibles para el desenlace de la crisis venezolana.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN


Myers: China-Venezuela decision-making “will be very pragmatic in nature.”

As the situation in Venezuela continues to unfold, Phoenix TV spoke with the Director of the Dialogue’s Asia & Latin America Program Margaret Myers on China’s position regarding the ongoing Venezuelan crisis, as well as how China’s approach to the country differs from Russia’s.

Margaret Myers

Interviews ˙ ˙ Phoenix Television

The Monroe Doctrine may be dead in Latin America, but its ghost still haunts the White House

This is a critical moment in the Venezuela crisis – hopeful yet uncertain. Moving forward, senior Trump administration officials would be wise to devote more time with their Latin American counterparts, issuing joint statements and coordinating actions to pressure the regime and advance Mr. Guaido’s efforts at reconciliation. Posturing about the U.S.’s power and influence in Venezuela evokes a 19th-century doctrine that has long been irrelevant and is counterproductive.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The Globe and Mail