Testimony by Program Director Margaret Myers to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission on China’s activity in Latin America and the Caribbean.
China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China issued no new finance to Latin American and Caribbean governments or state-run companies in 2020.
In an interview BBC’s The Real Story, Margaret Myers considered prospects for US-China-Latin America relations in the coming years, taking into account global trends and the Biden administration’s likely take on China’s growing global role.
Chinese government, quasi-governmental, and commercial representatives are engaging with growing frequency at the local level in LAC. This new report examines the evolving nature of China-LAC subnational engagement.
Después de una divisiva campaña y un año electoral sin precedentes marcado por la pandemia Covid-19, Joe Biden ha resultado vencedor en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos y se convertirá en el 46º presidente de los Estados Unidos. ¿Qué implicaciones tendrá su presidencia para la política exterior de Estados Unidos, particularmente en América Latina?
Michael Shifter, Michael Camilleri, Margaret Myers, Lisa Viscidi
The Dialogue’s senior non-resident fellow, Julia Dias Leite has been appointed as CEO of The Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) becoming the first female CEO in the 22-year history of the institution. Dias Leite, 40, has extensive experience in managing institutions in the area of international relations.
The sustained success of China’s model, despite its often-referenced drawbacks, will force a continued referendum on democracy. Even the strongest of democratic systems will be forced to confront their vulnerabilities and inefficiencies.
The success of China’s regional outreach in Latin America will depend, as it has for a number of years, on Beijing’s relative influence in regional institutions and on the capacity and effectiveness of the institutions themselves.
Margaret Myers
Articles & Op-Eds ˙
˙ Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy
The 41 percent drop in China’s first quarter GDP, compounded by the global oil price rout, has been something of a worst case scenario for the region’s producers.
En esta entrevista con NTN24, Margaret Myers habló sobre el rol crucial de China en el combate del coronavirus en Latinoamérica, así como la “diplomacia de mascarillas” o “mask diplomacy” impulsada por este país.