As the energy transition gathers pace and Latin American countries raise their emissions reduction targets, private companies are revising their business models to meet demand for renewable energy and other solutions. The United States has also reemerged as a partner on climate action in the region. This webinar explored the current and potential role of the private sector in Latin America’s energy transition and how the United States can provide support.
On April 7, the Grupo de Análise da Conjuntura Internacional from the Instituto de Relações Internacionais (GACInt) at the University of São Paulo held a private roundtable to discuss the priorities of the Biden administration in the Americas.
Michael Shifter, Roberto Teixeira da Costa, Abrão M. Árabe Neto
As the Biden administration prepares to restore US leadership on the global stage, enhanced coordination with Latin America and the Caribbean on vital issues such as climate change, human rights, and a rules-based trading system beckons as a strategic opportunity. The president-elect, more than any recent occupant of the White House, is well placed to seize it.
When President Biden takes office in January, he will not approach Latin America with a blank checkbook or magic formulas for hemispheric comity and recovery, but he will offer his characteristic humanity, his belief in the region’s promise, and his administration’s steadfast engagement.
Una eventual victoria del candidato demócrata Joe Biden en las elecciones del pasado tres de noviembre en Estados Unidos, plantearía un enorme desafío al tener que gobernar en un país dividido por el fenómeno político que representa Donald Trump. Aunque desde ya están previstas impugnaciones por parte del Partido Republicano, la tendencia del voto es una victoria para Biden. Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, analizó la situación en una entrevista para Confidencial.
2020 has been a tumultuous year for Latin America’s energy sector. The global pandemic has led to a sharp decline in oil demand and prices even as clean energy investments accelerate. With presidential elections around the corner in the United States, the future of US energy diplomacy in the region is unclear. Industry executives, government officials, and corporate representatives convened to discuss the challenges and opportunities in today’s energy markets during the virtual Fourth Annual Energy Conference.
Michael Camilleri, Director of the Dialogue’s Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security and Trade, on the subject of “The Health, Economic, and Political Challenges Facing Latin America and the Caribbean.”
Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Inter-Americano, habló con Carlos Morales Peña de Forbes Bolivia sobre la crisis desatada por el Covid-19, su efecto en el orden político y económico mundial, los posibles cambios en el proceso de globalización y el rol de China, entre otros.
El 2 de julio, FLACSO Ecuador y Chile organizaron un panel virtual sobre las elecciones en Estados Unidos y su impacto en América Latina y el Caribe con la participación de Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano. En su presentación, Shifter discutió las encuestas más recientes, el manejo de Trump de las tres crisis que el país está viviendo y las diferencias entre los dos candidatos con respecto a su política para América Latina.
In an interview with Modern American Diplomacy, Ambassador Tom Shannon, Co-Chair of the Dialogue’s Board of Directors, discussed the significance of strategic thinking as it pertains to American diplomacy, challenges and revelations presented by Covid-19, and the future of the United States foreign service.
China has become an essential, reliable partner for Latin American nations, while the United States, under the Trump Adminstration, has alienated itself away from longtime regional partners.
The US has introduced several measures to facilitate energy & infrastructure investment in Latin America. However, the impact will likely be constrained by the challenging investment environment in many Latin American countries, demonstrating the limitations for the US in competing with China’s centralized economic model.
Great Decisions examines in the documentary “Northern Triangle: The Origins of America’s Migrant Crisis” the Western Hemisphere’s migration crisis and the fractured societies at the heart of it: Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, is one of the featured guests in this documentary.
La exclusión y la expulsión son los resultados de estructuras estatales dañadas, afectadas por muchos países en condiciones estatales fallidas, así como la ausencia de consenso o polarización social y política sobre el tipo de sujeto político que conforma la sociedad moderna.
Manuel Orozco interviews with Gabriela Fías of CNN Global Portfolio to discuss the relationship between political instability and remittances, highlighting the impact of US foreign policy on Latin American countries.