
Migration, Remittances and Development

This document offers an introduction to the migration dynamics in Guatemala and proposes an approach to leverage opportunities.

Manuel Orozco

Presentations ˙

El nuevo régimen Ortega-Murillo

La ‘victoria’ electoral de Daniel Ortega-Rosario Murillo con un alto nivel de abstencionismo muestra tanto el éxito de la táctica de eliminar a la coalición opositora que lideraba Montealegre, que de por sí era débil, así como también que la mayoría electoral no se desbordó por Ortega.

Manuel Orozco

RIO Newsletter

The following is a sample of RIO’s monthly newsletter related to net migration flows from Mexico and Central America to the US.

Manuel Orozco, Laura Porras

Reports ˙

Removed, Returned and Resettled

The emigration and return of hundreds of thousands of Central Americans each year, often under difficult circumstances, represents a profound challenge for the region.

Manuel Orozco, Julia Yansura

Reports ˙

Central American Economies in 2015

One of the greatest challenges that the Central American region faces is ensuring that economic development is sustainable and equitable.

Manuel Orozco, Julia Yansura

Reports ˙

Internet-Based Transfers: Current Landscape

Internet-based products have grown substantially in recent years, and constitute an important source of innovation for the remittance industry. Although these products present important opportunities for businesses and consumers, the low rate of penetration merits further discussion and analysis. The article concludes that perhaps the issue is still more structural, that the ecosystem of payment services is performing unevenly, partly due to poor financial access among clients and merchants.

Manuel Orozco, Laura Porras

Reports ˙

The Remittance Marketplace in Europe: Competition and Pricing

This text analyzes the remittance marketplace in Europe based on selected indicators that measure: number of remittance service providers (RSPs), number of countries they serve, the diversity in type of RSP, the cost of sending money, the number of payout locations, type of paying partners, their presence or penetration in rural areas, and consumer satisfaction.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙

Remittances Scorecard: 2016

In its fourth edition, the Remittances Scorecard ranks 30 companies working in 11 Latin American and Caribbean countries. It evaluates them across 12 indicators to assess their performance and competition in the money transfer industry.

Manuel Orozco, Laura Porras, Julia Yansura

Reports ˙ ˙ Results

Migración, Pobreza y Remesas en Nicaragua

La migración en Nicaragua representa más del 10% del PIB y mantiene a más de 500,000 hogares fuera de la pobreza, pero sigue siendo ignorada por el gobierno y el sector privado

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Using Data to Better Understand Worker Remittances

This presentation was given at the international conference “Improving Data on International Migration: Towards Agenda 2030 and the Global Compact on Migration”, hosted by Germany’s Federal Foreign Office and convened by the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM)’s Global Migration Data Analysis Center (GMDAC), with support from the US Department of State and the European Commission’s Knowledge Center on Migration and Demography.

Manuel Orozco

Presentations ˙

Las remesas a México durante el 2016

Aunque en los últimos años la migración mexicana hacia Estados Unidos ha caído notablemente, las remesas no sólo se han mantenido estables, sino que crecieron un 8.8% en 2016. Las razones principales se deben a tres factores claves. Primero, el aumento en el número de mexicanos que envía dinero. Segundo, el uso de sistemas electrónicos para envío de dinero y, tercero, las tasas de cambio.

Manuel Orozco

Reports ˙

Economic Status & Remittance Behavior

Although migrants have experienced a modest improvement since the recession, one in three remain in a “vulnerable” financial position.

Manuel Orozco, Mariellen Jewers

Reports ˙