
fotos de los expositores Video

Es hora de utilizar los ingresos de las industrias extractivas para combatir el cambio climático y promover la recuperación verde

Durante un evento del Diálogo Interamericano el 16 de diciembre, se enfatizó en que a medida que las economías intentan reconstruirse luego de la crisis generada por el Covid-19, surge la oportunidad de acelerar la mitigación del cambio climático, la adaptación al mismo, y de elaborar modelos económicos más sostenibles. Los ingresos de las industrias extractivas pueden proporcionar recursos cruciales para cumplir este objetivo bajo un modelo eficiente en términos de inclusión social e impacto ambiental.

María José Rocha

Event Summaries ˙

Event Picture and Panelist Pictures for the event Video

Rethinking Drug Policy in the Americas

On December 15, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted the webinar “Rethinking Drug Policy in the Americas.” The panel discussed the report of the Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission, its evaluations of US counternarcotics policy in the Americas and recommendations for its reform.

Catharine Christie

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Collage of speakers at Forward Together Video

Forward Together: A Conversation with Former Presidents of the Americas

On December 10, 2020, more than 700 participants joined live for “Forward Together: A Conversation with Former Presidents of the Americas,” a virtual panel of former presidents featuring Laura Chinchilla of Costa Rica, Ricardo Lagos of Chile, Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia, and Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico. The discussion was moderated by Karen DeYoung of The Washington Post. The program began with opening remarks by Michael Shifter, president of the Dialogue, and Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., co-chair of the Dialogue’s Board of Directors, offered closing remarks. 

Kate Blansett

Event Summaries ˙

Panelists in the event: LGBTQ Rights and US Foreign Policy: A Need to Lead Video

LGBTQ Rights and US Foreign Policy: A Need to Lead

On December 3, the Dialogue partnered with the Victory Institute to host the event “LGBTQ Rights and US Foreign Policy: A Need to Lead” as part of the 2020 International LGBTQ Leaders Conference.

Amy Doring

Event Summaries ˙

Moderator: Michael Camilleri, Panelists (Right to Left): Laura Zommer, Arturo Valenzuela, Felipe Estefan, and Ilona Szabó. Image of Peruvian protestor sign reading “somos la generación que hará caer a los corruptos”. Video

Democracy in a Post-Pandemic Latin America

On December 2, 2020 the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with Luminate to host the webinar “Democracy in a Post-Pandemic Latin America.” Panelists discussed the current state of democratic institutions in the region, the role of disinformation, as well as the findings of Luminate’s new public opinion research on shifting perceptions on democracy during the pandemic.

Azul Hidalgo Solá

Event Summaries ˙

Michael Camilleri habla como panelista del evento convocado por Fundamedios Video

La transición presidencial y el rol de la prensa en las elecciones en USA

El 24 de noviembre se llevó a cabo el webinar “La transición presidencial y el rol de la prensa en las elecciones en USA” organizado por Fundamedios, con la participación de Michael Camilleri, director del programa Estado de Derecho Peter D. Bell del Diálogo Interamericano.

Michael Camilleri, Frank LaRue

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ Fundamedios

Event photo featuring the three speakers alongside the moderator, Mariana Aparicio Video

La política energética de AMLO: implicaciones para el comercio, el clima y la economía de México

El Diálogo Interamericano preparó un informe titulado “El impacto de la política eléctrica estado-céntrica en México en el comercio, el clima y la economía”, el cual analiza los principales cambios ocurridos en la política energética de México y sus impactos en la inversión y en el medio ambiente. El informe fue presentado en un webinar el 18 de noviembre organizado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y el Real Instituto Elcano.

María José Rocha

Event Summaries ˙

Ivan Duque speaking during Inter-American Dialogue event Video

A Conversation with Iván Duque Márquez

On November 19, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “A Conversation with Iván Duque Márquez,” welcoming back Colombian President Iván Duque for a wide-ranging discussion on his administration’s priorities and the future of the US-Colombia relationship amidst an incoming US administration.

Amy Doring

Event Summaries ˙

Event Card: Costa; McClintock; Oganes Video

What Next for a Troubled Peru?

On November 13, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted the event “What Next for a Troubled Peru?” to discuss the impeachment of Peruvian president Martín Vizcarra. The event addressed Peru’s political crisis in the context of the economic and public health crises the country has already been facing. 

Carmen Colosi

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Photo of medical working, and headshots of Amanda Glassman, Rolf Hoenger, Rifat Atun, Rocio Saenz Video

Innovating Healthcare in Latin America and the Caribbean

On November 4, 2020, the Dialogue convened the panel discussion “Innovating Healthcare in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Forming the basis for discussion, a recent World Bank survey indicated that treatments for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, are suffering disruptions on a global scale. The conversation highlighted the need for innovation in health systems amidst both the global pandemic and the resultant breakdown of NCDs diagnosis and treatment.

Amy Doring

Event Summaries ˙

Event Card - Dudley, Wolf, Zúñiga Video

Anatomy of MS-13: Policy Implications for El Salvador and the US

On October 27, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Anatomy of MS-13 – Policy Implications for El Salvador and the US” using the groundbreaking publication by Steven Dudley, MS-13: The Making of America’s Most Notorious Gang, as a basis for discussion. The event featured remarks by Dudley and commentary by Sonja Wolf, and Ricardo Zúñiga. Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue moderated the conversation. 

Amy Doring

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