Press Mentions

Venezuelan oil production will drop further as a result of the sanctions. They will have to sell oil at more of a discount, and there will be impact on cash flow. Venezuela will have to find new suppliers for light oil for blending. How difficult it will be to receive oil and cash from other places beyond the U.S. also remains unclear.
[US-imposed oil sanctions on Venezuela are part of a larger strategy to both pressure and entice the country’s military to help oust socialist President Nicolas Maduro]. That is the theory. That it is the gamble. That’s the hope. Whether that happens or not, it’s very hard to tell.
The missing element for all these years in trying to restore some semblance of democratic rule has been an ineffective opposition […] the reason why those in the region and the international community, including the United States, should focus on this moment is that that dynamic appears to have changed. The opposition now has a leader, it now seems to have a clear strategy and the regime is considerably weakened because of strong condemnation by Venezuela’s neighbors.
The [Chavez and Maduro-led] Venezuela Revolution has been going on for two decades now […] and it’s been getting worse and worse in all aspects. More repressive politically, disastrous economically and more suffering of the Venezuelan people.
La defensa de Maduro por parte de Rusia y China es un obstáculo formidable para el cambio en Venezuela. Tampoco está claro si EE.UU. y América Latina podrán sostener una estrategia y agenda común. Los latinoamericanos tienen más probabilidades de apoyar una resolución pacífica y negociada a buscar el conflicto directo.
La comunidad internacional está ejerciendo una presión e influencia considerables [en Venezuela]. Pero solo si existe una oposición razonablemente sólida se podrá establecer una estrategia para salir de la crisis.
The best outcome [in Venezuela] would be a prolonged negotiation between a more united opposition and a government on the defensive. With luck it could lead to the organization of new elections.