
Sin brújula en un mundo incierto

Por segundo año consecutivo, Donald Trump está al tope de las noticias y personajes relevantes en la encuesta GDA. Un año después de su llegada a la Casa Blanca, Estados Unidos atraviesa un período de polarización social, creciente desigualdad y deterioro institucional como pocos en su historia.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Universal


La política polarizada de Colombia

El jueves 8 de diciembre, el Diálogo mantuvo un conversatorio público con los analistas colombianos Marta Lucía Ramírez, Catalina Botero, Fernando Cepeda, y Rodrigo Pardo.

Luis Carlos Battista

Event Summaries ˙

A Conversation with the Vice President of Colombia General Óscar Naranjo

On November 17, the Dialogue cosponsored an event with General Oscar Naranjo, Vice President of Colombia. During the conversation, which took place at the Wilson Center, General Naranjo discussed the new economic and social opportunities that the peace process will make available to the country.

Luis Carlos Battista, Anastasia Sendoun

Event Summaries ˙

US-Mexico Border wall

Nafta’s Renegotiation Risks National Security

Rebecca Bill Chavez writes for the New York Times on strained relations between the United States and Mexico following the Trump administration’s threats to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Rebecca Bill Chavez

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ New York Times


Los medios de comunicación en el contexto político centroamericano

El pasado 3 de octubre, el Diálogo Interamericano en asociación con Free Press Unlimited, ICCO Cooperación y el Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible (CLACDS) del Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas en Costa Rica (INCAE), organizó un panel sobre el periodismo independiente en Centroamérica con Carlos Fernando Chamorro, Martín Rodriguez y José Luis Sanz.

Julia Yansura

Event Summaries ˙


Las Americas a examen: Shifter sobre China en Latam, TPP, TCLAN, Cuba, Colombia

En esta conversación con la Fundación Global para la Democracia, Michael Shifter discutió temas de actualidad e importancia para Latinoamérica: el papel de China en la región, la posición de Estados Unidos en el mundo después de su retiro del TPP, las renegociaciones del TLCAN, relaciones bilaterales entre Estados Unidos y Cuba, desigualdad y violencia, y la relación entre EEUU y Colombia.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Fundación Global para la Democracia

Seguridad en tiempos del cemento chino

Casi con certeza, Costa Rica acabará el año con la tasa de homicidios más alta de su historia, por encima de 12 por 100.000 habitantes, un nivel superior al que la OMS considera como una situación epidémica de violencia.

Kevin Casas-Zamora

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ La Nación


How Insecurity Shapes Daily Life in Central America

On October 3, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted an event entitled “How Insecurity Shapes Daily Life in Central America” to discuss a report recently published by the Inter-American Dialogue and the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) on crime avoidance in Central America. The event was moderated by Michael Shifter, with the speakers including Elizabeth Zechmeister, Carole Wilson, Michael Camilleri, and Juan Gonzalez. The panel discussed the report’s methodology and findings, as well as some of the broader implications of the research for policymakers in Latin America and the United States.

Anastasia Sendoun

Event Summaries ˙

Beneath the Violence: How Insecurity Shapes Daily Life and Emigration in Central America

New research from the Inter-American Dialogue and the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) shows how crime avoidance influences everyday behaviors and has significant consequences for education, economic opportunity, development, and the rule of law—and help explain why intentions to migrate have risen sharply in every Central American country.

Ben Raderstorf, Michael Camilleri, Carole J. Wilson, Elizabeth J. Zechmeister

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report


Colombia expands national parks and ethnic community lands

Under President Juan Manuel Santos, the Colombian government has vastly expanded protected areas, creating new national parks and providing land titles to indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities in the Amazon, Chocó and other important forest regions. However, many challenges remain. National parks and indigenous and Afro-Colombian lands continue to be threatened by illegal occupation, coca cultivation and illegal gold mining.

Lisa Viscidi

Event Summaries ˙


AMLO, MORENA and the 2018 Mexico Elections

On September 5, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute co-hosted an event with the Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Commonly referred to as AMLO, López Obrador is the head of Mexico’s National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) party. López Obrador discussed the key issues that have and will continue to shape his campaign and, if elected in 2018, his presidency.

Anastasia Sendoun

Event Summaries ˙


Ataque a la Asamblea Nacional, Corea del Norte, Trump y el G20

El ataque a la Asamblea Nacional en Venezuela, tensiones diplomáticas con Corea del Norte, y la reunión del G20 en Hamburgo – temas de discusión en este programa de Club de Prensa. Presentado por Juan Carlos Iragorri, con la participación de Xavier Vilà, periodista y analista catalán; José López Zamorano, corresponsal jefe de ‘Notimex’ – México; Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

The Challenges Facing Democracy in Latin America: How to Govern Better

“I was held at three concentration camps for more than one year; the key was to survive. Then I was expelled and I lived in exile for 10 years, barred from returning to the country. Many suffered much more than I did. […] During those years, I learned another lesson: If you allow yourself to sink into the justified bitterness and let your spirit to become contaminated with a negative animus, you cannot persuade and help mobilize others to build a better society. Therefore, the task was to build a new political and social force, and to battle for a better world, in liberty, without dictatorship.” Sergio Bitar receiving the Guillermo el O´Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship 2017

Sergio Bitar

Presentations ˙


El Salvador 25 Years After the Peace Agreements

On June 20, the Inter-American Dialogue invited founder, Carlos Dada, and director, José Luis Sanz, of El Faro, the preeminent online investigative journal in El Salvador, to reflect on the aftermath of the Chapultepec Peace Accords and on the current challenges facing El Salvador.

Andrea Clark

Event Summaries ˙