
Moderator: Michael Camilleri, Panelists (Right to Left): Laura Zommer, Arturo Valenzuela, Felipe Estefan, and Ilona Szabó. Image of Peruvian protestor sign reading “somos la generación que hará caer a los corruptos”. Video

Democracy in a Post-Pandemic Latin America

On December 2, 2020 the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with Luminate to host the webinar “Democracy in a Post-Pandemic Latin America.” Panelists discussed the current state of democratic institutions in the region, the role of disinformation, as well as the findings of Luminate’s new public opinion research on shifting perceptions on democracy during the pandemic.

Azul Hidalgo Solá

Event Summaries ˙

Michael Shifter

Shifter: “Sin oposición, Bolsonaro tiene perspectivas de ser reelegido en 2022”

Entre cuestionamientos a su gestión, el presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador y el mandatario brasileño Jair Bolsonaro cumplen dos años en el poder. Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó con El Mercurio sobre el liderazgo populista de estos dos líderes y la evaluación de sus proyectos políticos.

Michael Shifter, Jean Palou

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Mercurio

U.S. President Donald Trump and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro shaking hands.

Are Brazil & the U.S. on a Fast Track to Closer Trade Ties?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring expert’s viewpoints on the future of trade ties between the United States and Brazil.

Peter Hakim, Jim Kolbe, Francisco Sánchez, Renata Amaral, Cassia Carvalho, Adrian Cruz Vazquez

Latin America Advisor ˙

Photo of Marília Arraes

Are Women Closing the Gender Gap in Brazil’s Politics?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the progress and challenges of gender representation in Brazilian politics.

Jacqueline Pitanguy, Débora Thomé, Daniela Chacón Arias

Latin America Advisor ˙

Nosso Lugar

Member in the News: Tabata Amaral

Tabata Amaral, federal deputy in São Paulo and education activist, has published a book titled Nosso lugar: O caminho que me levou à luta por mais mulheres na política, or “Our place: The path that led me to the fight for more women in politics.”

Tabata Amaral

Member in the News ˙

Oil rig at sunset Video

Latin American State Oil Companies and Climate Change

Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries Program, sat down with Natural Gas World to discuss her recent report, Latin American State Oil Companies: Decarbonization Strategies and Role in the Energy Transition.

Lisa Viscidi

Podcasts ˙ ˙ In a Nutshell

Private sector investment Video

Private Sector and Early Childhood Investment

On August 13, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Education Program, the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN), UNICEF and United Way convened a virtual seminar on the role of the private sector in early childhood development in Latin America.

Daniela Saez, Martha Guerrero, Martha Guerrero

Event Summaries ˙

Panelists and Event Card for Race and Policing in the US and Brazil Event Video

Race and Policing in the US and Brazil

On July 23, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Race and Policing in the US and Brazil,” to discuss what the recent cases of police violence reveal about systemic racism in the United States and Brazil.

Catharine Christie, Luisa Stalman

Event Summaries ˙

Peter Hakim Video

Biden or Trump – What Changes for Brazil?

In an interview with The Brazilian Report, Peter Hakim, Dialogue president emeritus, discussed what Biden’s diplomatic approach would look like in Latin America. In particular, Hakim addressed immigration, the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and the United States’ relationship with Brazil.

Peter Hakim

Interviews ˙ ˙ The Brazilian Report

Michael Camilleri speaks at an FGV event Video

The US Presidential Election and the Future of US-Brazil Relations

The Getúlio Vargas Foundation Escola de Relações Internacionais held a public online event on July 7 to discuss discuss current US-Brazil relations and implications of the upcoming US presidential election on the future of these relations. Michael Camilleri appeared as the featured speaker.

Michael Camilleri, Oliver Stuenkel

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ FGV Escola de Relações Internacionais