
Foto de un globo que muestra las Américas

La migración y la democracia: exclusión y expulsión

La exclusión y la expulsión son los resultados de estructuras estatales dañadas, afectadas por muchos países en condiciones estatales fallidas, así como la ausencia de consenso o polarización social y política sobre el tipo de sujeto político que conforma la sociedad moderna.

Manuel Orozco

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro // File Photo: Brazilian Government

Will Brazil Allow Development on Indigenous Lands?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the development of indigenous land in Brazil.

Isabella Alcañiz, Leni Berliner, Jana Nelson, Luiza Lima

Latin America Advisor ˙

Early Childhood Brazil

Brazil: Progress Report of Early Childhood Development Policies

Childhood development has been gaining traction in recent years and is increasingly present in the Brazilian public agenda, however improving the quality and measurement of services is still a priority. This report presents the current state of early childhood policies in Brazil.

Inter-American Dialogue, Fundação Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal

Reports ˙ ˙ Brasil: Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Militaries throughout Latin America have been taking on an increasing number of tasks and have had a political impact in some countries. // File Photo: Peruvian Army.

Are Latin America’s Militaries Taking on Too Much Power?

How has the role of the military changed in Latin American countries over the past year, and is it a cause for concern?

Peter Hakim, Rut Diamint, Douglas M. Fraser, Kristina Mani, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán

Latin America Advisor ˙

Latin America: The Political Outlook

What is the political outlook in Latin America?  Will Brazil’s Congress continue to govern independent of the erratic, but somewhat business-friendly President Jair Bolsonaro? Will Mexico’s nationalist-leftist president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (popularly known as AMLO) try to extend his power? Will Argentina’s new president Alberto Fernandez govern independently of his vice president Cristina Kirchner? Will Colombia become a new Chile in terms of riots? What will happen in Chile this year? And will Peru be able to return to political stability? Michael Shifter discussed in this interview with Latinvex.

Michael Shifter, Christopher Sabatini , Joachim Bamrud

Interviews ˙ ˙ Latinvex

Clean Energy Auctions in Latin America

Long-term power supply auctions are an increasingly popular instrument worldwide for attracting renewable energy investment while cutting prices, increasing energy security, and reducing emissions. Latin America has been at the forefront of using auctions to boost renewable energy capacity. This study analyzes design and outcomes of government-led long-term power auctions with participation from non-conventional renewable sources in six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and Jamaica) since 2015.

Lisa Viscidi, Ariel Yépez-García

Reports ˙ ˙ Inter-American Development Bank

Has Bolsonaro’s First Year Been a Success or Failure?

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday completed his first year in office, one marked by international controversy over the Amazon, a slight economic recovery, political spats within his own party, as well as some significant legislative wins, including comprehensive pension reform. How well has Bolsonaro fared in his first year as Brazil’s president, and has he met voters’ expectations of change? How well is his government handling economic matters, and what should it focus on in the year ahead? To what extent has Bolsonaro’s confrontational political style helped or hindered his effectiveness in working with Brazil’s Congress?

Peter Hakim, Nerea R. García, Jorge Zaverucha, Fábio Kerche

Latin America Advisor ˙

Turmoil in South America and the Impact on Energy Markets

2019 has been a tumultuous year for South America. In recent months, mass protests have swept across several countries, including major oil and gas producers Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia. Continued political and social turbulence will likely contribute to stagnant oil and gas production growth in these countries. Conversely, Brazil and Guyana are on track to become the region’s largest sources of supply growth.

Lisa Viscidi

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Istituto Affari Internazionali

Irene Estefanía González | Inter-American Dialogue Video

New Leadership in Argentina & Bolsonaro’s First Year

On December 10, 2019, the Inter-American Dialogue, hosted an event titled “New Leadership in Argentina & Bolsonaro’s First Year.” The panelists were Matias Spektor, Rut Diamint, Bruno Binetti, and Monica de Bolle. Rafael Mathus, correspondent for La Nación, moderated the event.

Taylor Savell

Event Summaries ˙

Grupo de Trabajo en reunión

32ª Reunión Anual del Grupo de Trabajo sobre América Latina

La 32ª reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre América Latina (LAWG por sus siglas en inglés) tuvo lugar el 9 de diciembre en Washington, DC. En esta reunión, el grupo prestó especial atención a los disturbios y protestas que se vieron en la región en 2019.

Irene Estefanía, Melanie Ordoñez

Event Summaries ˙

The rise and rise of national populism

A global resurgence of populism and nationalism has galvanised support for leaders with policies inimical to the rule of law. Global Insight assesses the risks and how they can be countered. Michael Camilleri, director of the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program at the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke with Ruth Green from the International Bar Association, to discuss this issue. 

Michael Camilleri, Ruth Green

Interviews ˙ ˙ International Bar Association


Latin America’s Autumn of Discontent

On November 6, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted the event “Latin America’s Autumn of Discontent” in order to pinpoint some underlying drivers and discuss the interrelatedness of the mass demonstrations, contentious elections, and constitutional crises facing the region.

Taylor Savell

Event Summaries ˙

Presentation to Elcano Institute: Clean Energy Auctions in Latin America

Lisa Viscidi, director of the Energy, Climate Change and Extractive Industries Program, gave a presentation to the Energy Working Group of the Elcano Institute on clean energy auctions in Latin America and how their intelligent design could benefit other countries in the region. 

Lisa Viscidi

Presentations ˙


Media and Democracy in the Americas II

A summary of the conclusions and recommendations from the Inter-American Dialogue and Fundamedios USA’s second annual Media and Democracy in the Americas conference.

Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, Fundamedios USA

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report