

Crisis en Ecuador e inestabilidad económica en la región

El presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, Michael Shifter, habló con Gustau Alegret del programa Cuestión de Poder de NTN24 sobre la situación actual en la región, la presión económica en muchos países y la crisis en Ecuador.

Michael Shifter, Gustau Alegret

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

The International Monetary Fund and the government of Ecuadorean President Lenín Moreno agreed on the terms of a loan deal in March. // File Photo: Ecuadorean Economy.

Will Protesters Reverse Ecuador’s Economic Reforms?

What actions has Ecuador’s government taken to comply with its commitments under the IMF agreement, and have they been successful?

Mauricio Pozo, Caterina Costa de García, Juan J. Paz-y-Miño Cepeda

Latin America Advisor ˙

The number of fires in the Amazon rain forest has swelled this year, leading to international concern and a meeting of South American leaders last week in Colombia. // Photo: Brazilian Government.

Are Amazon Nations Prepared to Fight Forest Fires?

What are South American countries already doing to protect the Amazon, and how else can they cooperate?

Yolanda Kakabadse, Leila Salazar-López, Henrique Rzezinski, José Goldemberg, Mark S. Langevin

Latin America Advisor ˙

How to Save the Amazon Rainforest

Countries in the Amazon Basin are falling behind on their targets to cut deforestation. Environmental enforcement combined with economic incentives could provide a way forward, write Lisa Viscidi and Enrique Ortiz in this op-ed.

Lisa Viscidi, Enrique Ortiz

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times


Avoiding the Amazon Rainforest Tipping Point

Deforestation rates in the Amazon River Basin have risen to near-record levels in recent years, threatening biodiversity and indigenous lands as well as global climate change efforts and weather patterns in the Amazon region and beyond. The lack of governance across Amazonian nations is a primary factor behind countries’ failure to stem forest loss, said experts at an event launching a new Inter-American Dialogue report on May 29.

Nico Nastri

Event Summaries ˙

Nemonte Nenquimo, the president of the Waorani Pastaza Organization (Conconawep) and a plaintiff in the lawsuit. . // File Photo: Amazon Frontlines.

Can Ecuador Reap Oil Benefits While Protecting its Land?

A Latin America Energy Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the 2019 judicial win of the Waorani indigenous community against Ecuador.

Enrique Ortiz, Carlos Mazabanda, Mario Melo, Mario Flor

Energy Advisor ˙

Nearing the Tipping Point: Drivers of Deforestation in the Amazon Region

The largest tropical rainforest on the planet, the Amazon plays a critical role as a storehouse of carbon and mediator of the global water cycle and holds a greater share of the world’s known biodiversity than any other ecosystem. However, unchecked development is placing the Amazon under threat, pushing deforestation rates to near-record levels throughout the region.

Matt Piotrowski, Enrique Ortiz

Reports ˙


A Conversation with Lenín Moreno

On April 16, the Inter-American Dialogue had the honor of hosting President Lenín Moreno of Ecuador during his visit to the United States. President Moreno provided insight into the steps his government is taking to resolve the countries fiscal deficit and his administration’s work with multilateral institutions, among other topics.

Pedro Garmendia

Event Summaries ˙


La visita del presidente ecuatoriano Lenin Moreno a Washington

El presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, Michael Shifter concedió una entrevista al programa Poder Latino de NTN24 conducido por Emiliana Molina donde analizo la visita del presidente ecuatoriano Lenin Moreno a Washington y lo que se podía esperar de la misma.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

Ecuador Migration Trends

Intra-regional migration in the Americas has increased since the 1990s and doubled between 2000 and 2017.[1] Ecuador’s transformation in the last ten years from a traditionally migrant sending to a migrant host and transit nation further illustrates this growing pattern of intra-regional migration.

Nicole Ledesma

Articles & Op-Eds ˙


Entre la prensa y los gobiernos: Libertad de expresión en las américas

Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en el programa Foro Interamericano de la Voz de América donde analizo con Gonzalo Abarca el estadio actual de la libertad de expresión y los avances y retrocesos de la región en materia de las relaciones entre la prensa y los gobiernos.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ VOA

Police Transformation in Latin America by 2030

A new report by Dialogue fellow Kevin Casas, Paola González and Liliana Mesías analyzes the dominant trends in police behavior and organization and predicts how they will shape police forces over time.

Kevin Casas-Zamora, Paola González , Liliana Mesías

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report


Análisis de las elecciones en Brasil

En este episodio de Club de Prensa, Juan Carlos Iragorri contó con la participación de Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano; Raquel Godos, corresponsal de EFE; y Henrique Gomes Batista, Corresponsal De ‘O Globo’ – Brasil. Los participantes analizaron los cambios en las elecciones en Brasil y la investigación del expresidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa por el caso Odebrecht.

Michael Shifter, Raquel Godos, Henrique Gomes Batista, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24