
2016: A Year of Turbulences That Have Just Begun

The international order based on the United States’ engaged leadership seems to be ending. What will replace them remains unclear.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Tiempo

A Difficult Balancing Act

After winning a second term, the hard work now begins for President Juan Manuel Santos.

Lisa Viscidi

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Tiempo

Colombia Looks Past Washington

While Santos is familiar with Chávez’s unpredictability and knows as well as anyone where the FARC rebels are and what they are up to, he also knows the economic stakes for Colombia.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Washington Post

What has Colombia’s Santos Achieved in his First Year?

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos last week completed his first year in office. What is behind his high approval rating, and will he be able to sustain it?

Michael Shifter, Jorge Lara Urbaneja, Myles Frechette, Andy Webb-Vidal

Oil and Commodities: The End of the “Age of Abundance”

Across Latin America, the sustained decline in global oil prices has had a profound impact on economic growth, political stability and the viability of resource nationalism – when governments assert more control over the nation’s natural resources.

Lisa Viscidi, Rebecca O’Connor

Reports ˙ ˙ Italian Institute for International Political Studies


Los venezolanos no creen hoy en mediadores

Michael Shifter es entrevistado por Juan Carlos Iragorri desde Madrid sobre la crisis en Venezuela y la próxima visita de Juan Manuel Santos a Washington.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

Latin America’s Presidential Elections: Are Mexico, Brazil and Colombia Ready for Anti-Establishment Candidates?

Next year, critical elections in Latin America’s three most populous countries—Colombia, Mexico and Brazil—are likely to reveal a distemper stemming from citizen disgust with a mix of corruption scandals, mediocre economies, unremitting violence and a largely discredited political class. All three presidential contests are wide open and ripe for anti-establishment challengers.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Newsweek


Trump promoverá su agenda en América Latina en su visita a Perú y Colombia

El presidente Donald Trump participará en la Cumbre de las Américas en Perú el 13 y 14 de abril. Después viajará a Colombia, en una visita que según la Casa Blanca resalta el compromiso del mandatario con la región. Juan Carlos López de CNN en Español analiza esta agenda con Michael Shifter.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos López

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN Español

photo of Michael Shifter

“Es exagerado afirmar que si Petro gana, Colombia sería otra Venezuela”

La izquierda y el fervor religioso se hacen un lugar en medio de los históricos récords de impopularidad de los mandatarios salientes este año: Santos, Temer, Peña Nieto, Cartes y Solís, quienes difícilmente superan el 20 por ciento de aprobación a su gestión. Michael Shifter analiza en esta entrevista con Semana este incierto panorama político de 2018.

Michael Shifter, Alexandra Correa

Interviews ˙ ˙ Semana


A Conversation with Mauricio Cárdenas

“Despite the 2008 economic recession and the ensuing decrease in the value of commodities, Colombia has maintained a steady growth rate and continued foreign investment”, said Mauricio Cárdenas, Colombia’s Minister of Finance and Public Credit, during an April 19 discussion at the Inter-American Dialogue.

Fidel Marquez

Event Summaries ˙

Will Colombia Make Peace With Its Peace Deal?

As the first Colombian election after the historic signing of the peace deal approaches, the good news is that the conflict has blessedly ended, but the implementation of the accord has been complicated and contentious. It does not help that the political establishment stands fractured and discredited. The risk is that the country’s unsettled politics could upend the peace.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs