
Press conference by US President Donald Trump at the NATO Summit in Brussels. Right: US National Security Advisor John Bolton

Between Trump and Bolton: Missed Opportunity in Venezuela

Bolton’s account in the chapter “Venezuela Libre” in his newly released book, “The Room Where it Happened: A White House Memoir,” is a powerful reminder of how the Trump administration – out of a mix of ignorance, incompetence, and frivolousness – squandered the opportunity to help Venezuela emerge from its disastrous situation.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times

Nicolás Maduro

It’s Not the Time for War Games With Venezuela

The priority of the US in the country should be to avoid a humanitarian disaster, not sending naval destroyers.

Michael Shifter, Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times

Michael Shifter

Shifter: “Si los precios de las materias primas siguen muy bajos, Sudamérica va a sufrir un golpe muy fuerte”

El titular de una de las instituciones más antiguas de Washington habló con Infobae. Considera que Alberto Fernández tuvo una reacción “rápida y admirable” ante el coronavirus, pero alertó que la Argentina está frente a “una enorme crisis económica” y que la región corre el riesgo de que la emergencia erosione las instituciones democráticas.

Michael Shifter, Sergio Serrichio

Interviews ˙ ˙ Infobae

Donald Trump and Mike Pence Video

Estrategia de Estados Unidos contra Maduro: Acusaciones de Narcoterrorismo, Operación Militar en el Caribe y el Marco para la Transición Democrática de Venezuela

Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, fue entrevistado por El Washington Post Podcast. En su intervención, Shifter analizó la estrategia de Estados Unidos para debilitar el régimen de Maduro en Venezuela. Las acusaciones de narcoterrorismo y corrupción, la operación militar en el Caribe y el “Marco para la Transición Democrática de Venezuela” fueron algunos de los temas tratados en esta entrevista.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Washington Post Podcast

Nicolás Maduro

Recompensa por Maduro: “La acusación de EE.UU. puede cohesionar a las fuerzas armadas alrededor del presidente y hacer más difícil una negociación”

Estados Unidos ha dado un nuevo paso inusual en su política hacia Venezuela, al acusar al presidente Nicolás Maduro de “narcoterrorismo” y conspiración para traficar drogas. Michael Shifter, entrevistado por BBC, argumentó que los nuevos cargos de EE.UU. contra Maduro difícilmente contribuirán a una salida negociada en Venezuela.

Michael Shifter, Gerardo Lissardy

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC

Michael Shifter speaking during event in Richmond Video

Venezuela after Chávez

The Richmond World Affairs Council held on January 30 a public event on the current crisis in Venezuela, its authoritarian legacy and the US policy toward the country. Michael Shifter and David Smolansky were the featured speakers.

Michael Shifter

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ Richmond World Affairs Council

Mike Pence, Juan Guaido and Iván Duque during a meeting in Colombia

Venezuela’s Guaidó Angles for Trump Meeting at End of Trip

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó wraps up an international tour with a rally in Miami with the looming question whether the opposition leader can score an important meeting with President Donald Trump. Shifter discussed what the lack of a Trump-Guaidó session could signal to Venezuelans and the Venezuelan opposition, Guaidó popularity, and Trump’s take on Venezuela.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ The Associated Press

Shifter in his office

Consejos de Michael Shifter para reducir la desigualdad

El presidente del Diálogo Interamericano habla del panorama de América Latina y de la importancia de cambiar las prioridades de inversión.

Michael Shifter, Ómar G. Ahumada Rojas

Interviews ˙ ˙ Portafolio


Global Conversations: American Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty

Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon, co-chair of the Inter-American Dialogue’s board of directors, shares his perspective on current foreign policy challenges and opportunities, the Trump administration’s understanding of the world, and its approach to promoting US interests in this event hosted by Global Minnesota.

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ Global Minnesota


Assessing the Outlook for Energy Investment in Latin America

2019 marks the first year since new leaders in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico took office. We can now see more clearly the way their policy decisions have affected the energy sector and opportunities for investment. Meanwhile, Argentina holds presidential elections later this month. Venezuela, in turn, faces a worsening economic crisis as oil production plummets. Industry experts, government officials, and corporate representatives convened to discuss these issues and their regional impacts on October 2 at the Inter-American Dialogue.

Julia Weil

Event Summaries ˙