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Alternative Credentials: A Best Practice Guide for Latin America and the Caribbean

This study presents a guide for higher education institutions (HEIs) and institutions with non-academic training functions. The guide aims to document the current adoption of alternative credentials, the main barriers and opportunities for institutions, and finally, offer recommendations and practical lessons for their implementation.

Anna Herrero Tejada

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Informe de México

México: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

El Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia de México, elaborado por Mexicanos Primero, busca medir el avance hacia el cumplimiento de los acuerdos de la Agenda Regional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Primera Infancia.

Mexicanos Primero, Diálogo Interaméricano, Pacto por la Primera Infancia

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State Collapse and the Protection of Remittance Payments

On April 9, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report “State Collapse and the Protection of Remittance Payments.” The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, and Patrick Springer, program associate, examines the extent to which the current crisis in Haiti can be characterized as state failure. The report examines state failure in Haiti, its effects on the daily lives of Haitians, the Haitian economy, and how it is impacting remittance systems in the country and concludes with a strategy for ensuring successful and safe remittance transfers to the Caribbean nation.

Manuel Orozco, Patrick Springer

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State Capture in Nicaragua – The Case for International Pressure

On April 3, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the memo “State Capture in Nicaragua – The Case for International Pressure.” The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, highlights how members of the Nicaraguan government have engaged in state capture, the role of international financial institutions in preventing state captures, and provides a look into external financing, its consequences, and the Nicaraguan economy at-large.

Manuel Orozco

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Remittances to Cuba and the Marketplace in 2024

On March 22, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report “Remittances to Cuba and the Marketplace in 2024.” The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, analyzes money transfers to Cuba, their changing composition, the evolution of origination regulation, and this evolution’s impact on the Cuban economy.

Manuel Orozco

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Darlin Bejarano, UACP, Gobernación de Boyacá, Colombia

Latin American Forum for Educational Connectivity: Summary and Future Agenda

In the following summary, the Inter-American Dialogue introduces the key messages, lessons learned, recommendations, and valuable experiences shared by key participants during the event Education in the Digital Age: Latin American Forum for Educational Connectivity.

Foro Latinoamericano para la Conectividad Educativa

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Chile: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Si bien Chile cuenta con una política de desarrollo nacional con reconocimiento legal y sostenibilidad institucional, así como con mecanismos de evaluación del desarrollo de la primera infancia, queda mucho por hacer para mejorar la articulación interministerial, la efectividad de los estándares de calidad, el uso efectivo de los datos de las mediciones de desarrollo infantil, y la colaboración formal entre distintos actores.

Centro de Estudios Primera Infancia

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Honduras: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

El propósito de este informe es presentar los avances y desafíos en la atención a la primera infancia en Honduras, así como evaluar el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Agenda Regional para el desarrollo Integral de la Primera Infancia.

Centro de Estudios Primera Infancia

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Remittances and Development in Honduras – Bridging Opportunities

On February 28, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report “Remittances and Development in Honduras – Bridging Opportunities.” The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program analyzes migration patterns, characterizes remittance recipients, and reports on key financial inclusion metrics in the country. The report concludes with a pathway that outlines a strategy for leveraging remittances for development in the country.

Manuel Orozco

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Front cover of the policy brief.

North American Energy Integration: Conflict Resolution Under USMCA

This report, written in collaboration with COMEXI and the University of Calgary explores what routes to de-escalation exist under the US-Canada-Mexico energy dispute resolution talks.

Daniela Stevens, Julia González Romero, Lourdes Melgar, Elizabeth Whitsitt

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Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities: Making Development Impacts through Remittances

On January 12, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue released the report “Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities: Making Development Impacts through Remittances.” The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, Jaqueline Barrios, country coordinator for Guatemala, and Patrick Springer, program associate, reviews results and impacts of the program’s local development initiative in the Guatemalan municipalities of San Marcos, and Amatitlán.

Manuel Orozco, Jaqueline Barrios, Patrick Springer

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Photo of 2023 in Remittances cover

2023 in Remittances: The Year in Review

On December 22, 2023, the Remittance Industry Observatory (RIO), of the Inter-American Dialogue, released it’s annual review of remittances in Latin America and the Caribbean. The report, produced by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, and Patrick Springer, program assistant, outline market trends, provide data on remittance service providers in the region, and contextualize these topics as they relate to 2023’s economic, political, and migration-related developments.

Manuel Orozco, Patrick Springer

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