
Latin America’s Political Pendulum

The pendulum of Latin American politics is swinging rightward once again. Yet as the “pink tide” recedes, the forces of change have more to do with socioeconomics than ideology. Dramatic economic and political crises have coincided in countries like Brazil and Venezuela. Still, the final result for Latin America may be the emergence of centrist, pragmatic modes of governance, and with them, opportunities for the U.S. to improve relations. The new administration must look beyond the neoliberal model of the 1990s, and develop an approach to relations fit for the 21st century.

Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Great Decisions

Growing Pains: Urbanization & Governance in Peru

Peru’s growing urban middle class is one of the country’s greatest assets, but it also brings political and governance challenges.

Ben Raderstorf, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ World Politics Review

Interpreting Venezuela’s Elections

On December 6, Venezuelans gave the opposition Democratic Union a sweeping victory in the most anticipated Latin American legislative election in many years.

Bruno Binetti

Event Summaries ˙

Looking Back at the XX Annual CAF Conference

Since its first edition in 1997, the CAF Conference has expanded to become the premier annual event on Western Hemispheric affairs in Washington, DC.

Bruno Binetti

Event Summaries ˙

A New Era

So far, Macri has been successful in attributing the social pain of the reforms to the gravity of the situation he inherited. Still, Argentina’s patience could run out before the economy starts growing again.

Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The Cipher Brief

Alberto Fernandez speaking

Will Argentina’s Fernandez Punt on a Deal With the IMF?

In a vitriolic address to Argentina’s Congress on March 1, President Alberto Fernandez put to rest any illusions that he would be a moderating influence on his vice president and political mentor, former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. During his speech, the president attacked Cristina Fernandez’s traditional enemies, including the press, the judiciary, and the political opposition. More surprisingly, he also criticized the IMF, despite being in the middle of discussions to renegotiate Argentina’s $44 billion debt.

Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ World Politics Review


Can President-elect Alberto Fernandez fix Argentina’s problems?

Voters in Argentina elect a new leader and a familiar face as his deputy. Bruno Binetti, non-resident research fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke with Hazem Sika of Al Jazeera about the Fernandez-Fernandez victory in Argentina. Binetti weighed in on Macri’s shortcomings, implications for the Argentine economy, and political trends in South America.

Bruno Binetti, Hazem Sika

Interviews ˙ ˙ Al Jazeera

Mariano de Alba, Gustau Alegret, Bruno Binetti Video

Gestión de la pandemia, transición presidencial en Estados Unidos, crisis en Venezuela y la muerte de Maradona

Bruno Binetti, investigador no residente del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en el programa Club de Prensa de NTN24 moderado por Gustau Alegret. Entre los temas de discusión se trataron la gestión de la pandemia en el hemisferio, la administración entrante de Biden en Estados Unidos, la muerte del icono argentino Diego Maradona y la condena en Venezuela de seis ex directivos de Citgo.  

Bruno Binetti, Gustau Alegret

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

Bruno Binetti in conversation with Gustau Alegret Video

Debate Trump-Biden, Protestas en México, Elecciones en Bolivia, Referendo en Chile

Primer cara a cara entre Donald Trump y Joe Biden. Cleveland es el escenario para el debate al que ambos llegan con mucho en juego. Marcha en favor del aborto en México termina en violencia. Por lo menos 500 mujeres marchaban hasta el Zócalo, en la capital mexicana, cuando comenzaron los enfrentamientos con la fuerza pública. Estos y otros temas fueron debatidos en el programa Club de Prensa de NTN24. Bruno Binetti, investigador no residente del Diálogo Interamericano participó en esta edición de Club de Prensa presentada por Gustau Alegret. 

Bruno Binetti, Gustau Alegret

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

Luis Almagro

Almagro, la CIDH y la grieta interamericana

A la disputa por la Presidencia del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo se sumó un conflicto entre el secretario general de la Organización de Estados Americanos, Luis Almagro, y la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Aunque ambos casos son muy distintos, expresan una realidad preocupante: la creciente polarización que afecta a organismos fundamentales para América Latina y el Caribe.

Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Agenda Pública

Inter-American Development Bank building

Latin America Won’t Give In to Trump Without a Fight

For the Trump administration, there seem to be only two options in dealing with multilateral institutions: withdraw (as in the case of the World Health Organization) or take them over. In the tussle over the Inter-American Development Bank, the region is prepared to wait him out. The ball is now in Latin America’s court.

Michael Shifter, Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Policy

The government of Argentine President Alberto Fernández reached a major debt renegotiation deal with bondholders earlier this month. // File Photo: Argentine Government.

Has Argentina Struck a Good Deal With Creditors?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ takes on Argentina’s recent restructuring debt deal with foreign bondholders.

Bruno Binetti, Kezia McKeague, Lisa M. Schineller

Latin America Advisor ˙