
fotos de los expositores Video

Es hora de utilizar los ingresos de las industrias extractivas para combatir el cambio climático y promover la recuperación verde

Durante un evento del Diálogo Interamericano el 16 de diciembre, se enfatizó en que a medida que las economías intentan reconstruirse luego de la crisis generada por el Covid-19, surge la oportunidad de acelerar la mitigación del cambio climático, la adaptación al mismo, y de elaborar modelos económicos más sostenibles. Los ingresos de las industrias extractivas pueden proporcionar recursos cruciales para cumplir este objetivo bajo un modelo eficiente en términos de inclusión social e impacto ambiental.

María José Rocha

Event Summaries ˙

Michael Shifter en Cuestión de Poder Video

Shifter: “Ha caído la calidad y la capacidad de las instituciones democráticas [en América Latina]”

En esta entrevista para el programa Cuestión de Poder de la cadena NTN24, Michael Shifter y Gustau Alegret hablan sobre la evolución y los desafíos de la democracia en América Latina a causa de los retrocesos económicos y sociales en la región. También se conversó acerca de las citas electorales en la región, de cara a un 2021 con elecciones en países como Perú, México, Ecuador, Argentina y Chile. ¿Cómo llegan los países al 2021 y como afectará la crisis a las elecciones que vienen?

Michael Shifter, Gustau Alegret

Interviews ˙ ˙ Cuestión de Poder

Shifter en Diálogo Abierto Video

Shifter: “[Trump] va a seguir siendo una figura importante.”

Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, conversó en el programa Diálogo Abierto sobre el asalto al Capitolio en Washington, DC y las implicaciones de la futura administración de Biden para el continente latinoamericano. También se tocaron temas como la política interna y las elecciones presidenciales en Perú.

Michael Shifter, Perla Berríos, Carla Harada

Interviews ˙ ˙ Diálogo Abierto

una vista de Cusco, Perú / a view of Cuzco, Peru

A More Sustainable Peru Post-Covid-19

Covid-19 has devastated the Peruvian economy. But as the country seeks to rebuild in the virus’s wake, it has a chance to focus on fighting climate change and creating a more sustainable development model. The extractive industries central to Peru’s economy are a source of underutilized revenues that could help seize this opportunity. 

Lisa Viscidi, Nate Graham

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Comercio

Portada de informe con mujeres jugando con niños

Results-Based Budgeting for Early Childhood Development – The Case of Peru

A case study of Peru’s experience with Results-Based Budgeting provides insight for developing a sustainable Early Childhood Development policy.

Roger Salhuana Cavides, Ariela María de los Milagros Luna Florez, Luis Cordero, Atipay, Innovación para la Gestión

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Peruvian lawmakers are considering an overhaul of the country’s pension system. An office of Peruvian pension fund manager AFP Integra is pictured before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Will Peru’s Pension System Undergo a Major Reform?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the effects of proposed changes to Peru’s pension system.

Luis Miguel Castilla, Cristian Rodriguez, Mercedes Aráoz, Pablo Antolin, Pedro Francke

Latin America Advisor ˙

Lisa Viscidi speaks about a potential green recovery in Latin America at a webinar hosted by LSE. Video

Stimulating a Green Recovery in Latin America

On February 9, the Latin America and Caribbean Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science hosted an event at which Lisa Viscidi spoke about how revenue from extractive industries can be used to accelerate climate change mitigation and adaptation in Colombia and Peru.

Lisa Viscidi

Presentations ˙ ˙ Latin America and Caribbean Centre

A photo, in color, of Yonhy Lescano, a front-runner in Peru's presidential election.

Who Has the Edge Ahead of Peru’s Presidential Vote?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A on the candidates to watch ahead of Peru’s upcoming presidential election on April 11.

Cynthia McClintock, Ursula Indacochea, Julio Carrión, Nicolás Urrutia, Rosa Alayza, Alfredo Torres

Latin America Advisor ˙

Collage for Afro-descendants Event Video

Afro-descendants: Striving for Equality in Latin America

On March 26, 2021, the Dialogue hosted the online event “Afro-descendants: Striving for Equality in Latin America” in partnership with the Inter-American Foundation (IAF). Participants focused on addressing the pre- and post-Covid challenges and opportunities facing Afro-descendants in the region, including access to higher education, public office, corporate boardrooms, economic opportunity, formal employment, clean water, and quality health services.

Worth Talley

Event Summaries ˙

Green cover photo of the report

Energy and Mining in the Amazon

The Amazon rainforest, one of the world’s most important ecosystems, faces environmental impacts from hydroelectric dams, oil and gas drilling sites, and mining projects. A new database and analysis by the Inter-American Dialogue reveals that state-owned enterprises, as well as small and mid-sized international companies from a handful of countries, operate the largest share of such projects in the Amazon region, meaning these companies have a substantial influence over the implementation of environmental and social safeguards.

Lisa Viscidi, Sarah Phillips

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Pedro Castillo (center) won the most votes in the first round of Peru’s presidential election on Sunday.

Who Has the Edge Ahead of Peru’s June Runoff Vote?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the results of the first round of presidential elections in Peru.

Cynthia McClintock, Jo-Marie Burt, Rocío Verástegui, Nicolás Saldías, Will Freeman

Latin America Advisor ˙