
Violence in Central America: Do no harm, Mr. Trump

Sending back 200,000 Salvadorans to an already strained region flies in the face of the objectives of the Alliance for Prosperity, and is a surefire way to worsen the social ills that lie at the root of the massive exodus to the United States. A chaotic Central America is a story with no winners except criminal syndicates.

Kevin Casas-Zamora

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Global Americans

Eliminación del TPS impactaría remesas en unos $150 millones

Orozco, citando estudios del Diálogo Interamericano, sostiene que unos 146.500 salvadoreños con TPS envían dinero a El Salvador, lo que suma anualmente unos $630 millones. En el peor de los escenarios, “un retorno de todos los salvadoreños implicaría que El Salvador no tendrá crecimiento económico”.

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Mundo


18 meses de prórroga para los salvadoreños

El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos ha decidido terminar con el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para los inmigrantes de El Salvador, con un período de inactividad de 18 meses.  Sin embargo, el canciller Hugo Martínez resalta el plazo otorgado por Washington para la expiración de las preferencias temporales que cobijan a más de 200 mil ciudadanos para septiembre del 2019. El análisis al tema con Manuel Orozco, director del programa de Migración, Desarrollo y Remesas del Diálogo Interamericano.

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN Español


Cuba-US Relations during Trump’s First Year

In this interview with BBC World News, Michael Shifter discusses the current state of relations between the US and the island nation, what we know so far regarding the sonic attacks to US diplomats in Havana, and what we can expect after the 2018 change of leadership if Cuba.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC World News

Engagement or Estrangement: What next for US-Cuban relations?

On November 10, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a debate about the future of US-Cuba relations featuring Emily Mendrala, Michael Bustamante, and Jorge I. Dominguez, with Michael Camilleri moderating the discussion.

Luis Carlos Battista

Event Summaries ˙


US Pulls Embassy Staff from Cuba after ‘Sonic Attacks’

A recent series of attacks on American personnel in Cuba has left officials in both countries confused. As investigations into the origins of the mysterious symptoms that have affected 21 members of the U.S. intelligence and diplomatic corps continue, there have already been implications for relations between the two countries. Last week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that about half of the embassy’s staff would be recalled. In an interview with BBC, Michael Shifter discussed the attacks and the effect they may have on U.S.-Cuba relations moving forward.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC World News


El primer discurso de Donald Trump en la Asamblea General de la ONU

El discurso de Donald Trump en las Naciones Unidas y sus referencias hacia Venezuela son analizados por Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano; Arturo Sarukhán, exembajador de México en Estados Unidos; Raquel Godos, corresponsal de EFE; y Sebastian Rotella, reportero sénior de ‘Propublica’.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

Shifter: “Las sanciones de Trump son poco efectivas”

Michael Shifter repasa las sanciones impuestas por el Gobierno de Donald Trump contra México, Venezuela y Cuba. Los cuestionamientos de Evo Morales por el ‘imperialismo’ de Trump no suenan en Washington, aunque el mandatario estadounidense es ‘impredecible’

Michael Shifter, Carlos Morales Peña

Interviews ˙ ˙ El Deber


Los venezolanos no creen hoy en mediadores

Michael Shifter es entrevistado por Juan Carlos Iragorri desde Madrid sobre la crisis en Venezuela y la próxima visita de Juan Manuel Santos a Washington.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


Pence Tells Central American Leaders They Should Help Curb Migration

Vice President Mike Pence and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen are visiting Guatemala to meet with its president along with leaders of El Salvador and Honduras. Most of the migrant families apprehended lately at the U.S.-Mexico border have come from these countries. For some insight on this meeting, Michael Shifter was interviewed by NPR.

Michael Shifter, Audie Cornish

Interviews ˙ ˙ NPR


Shifter: “Guaidó is the leader that we have not seen from the opposition in the last 20 years”

Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, participated on CGTN’s World Insight where he discussed topics such as the international community’s approach to the Venezuelan crisis, the difference between the US’ approach to Venezuela and its approach to other transitions, and the risks of the Trump administration’s tough rhetoric towards Venezuelan officials.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN