

US Pulls Embassy Staff from Cuba after ‘Sonic Attacks’

A recent series of attacks on American personnel in Cuba has left officials in both countries confused. As investigations into the origins of the mysterious symptoms that have affected 21 members of the U.S. intelligence and diplomatic corps continue, there have already been implications for relations between the two countries. Last week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that about half of the embassy’s staff would be recalled. In an interview with BBC, Michael Shifter discussed the attacks and the effect they may have on U.S.-Cuba relations moving forward.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC World News


El primer discurso de Donald Trump en la Asamblea General de la ONU

El discurso de Donald Trump en las Naciones Unidas y sus referencias hacia Venezuela son analizados por Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano; Arturo Sarukhán, exembajador de México en Estados Unidos; Raquel Godos, corresponsal de EFE; y Sebastian Rotella, reportero sénior de ‘Propublica’.

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


China’s growing ties with Panama

To discuss China’s diplomatic ties with Panama, CGTN’s Wang Guan talked with Bruno Binetti.

Bruno Binetti, Wang Guan

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN America


Is Guatemalan Democracy under Threat?

Inter-American Dialogue Board Member Eduardo Stein and Senior Fellow Kevin Casas-Zamora recently participated in an interview with TRT World on corruption in Guatemala. In the interview, Stein discussed how the perception of Guatemala’s president Jimmy Morales has changed and the role that the United Nations and the International Commission against Impunity have played thus far in the corruption investigation. Casas highlighted the similarities and differences between the present investigation of President Morales and the corruption scandal which led to the ousting of Guatemala’s former president, Otto Pérez Molina, in 2015.

Kevin Casas-Zamora, Eduardo Stein

Interviews ˙ ˙ TRT World


¿Se volverán a ‘narcotizar’ las relaciones entre Colombia y EEUU?

Michael Camilleri, director del Programa de Estado de Derecho del Diálogo Interamericano, participó en el programa de “Semana en Vivo” el 17 de Mayo sobre las relaciones EEUU-Colombia, la política de drogas y la cooperación en el tema de seguridad entre los dos países

Michael Camilleri

Interviews ˙ ˙ Semana en Vivo


Entrevista a Miguel Vargas Maldonado, Canciller de la Republica Dominicana

El canciller de la Republica Dominicana, Ing. Miguel Vargas Maldonado, charla con Nicole Wasson, reportera del Latin America Advisor, sobre las relaciones entre la República Dominicana y Estados Unidos, su visita a Washington, la crisis política y económica en Venezuela, y las relaciones de su país con Haití.

Nicole Wasson

Interviews ˙ ˙ Latin America Advisor Live Q&A

Lo que dejó 2016 en política

Michael Shifter hace un repaso de lo más destacado del año en la política en EE.UU.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN


Corrupción en Latinoamérica y Colombia ‘País del Año’

En este programa de Club de Prensa, Michael Shifter y otros expertos debaten temas como la corrupción en América Latina, en particular en Brazil, o el anuncio por ‘The Economist’ de Colombia como ‘País del Año’

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ Club de Prensa


Troubled Democratic Transitions

Democratic transitions are rarely simple or easy—but the lessons of past transitions can help guide those of the present.

Haley Florsheim

Event Summaries ˙


Update on Mexico

Mexico’s ambitious reform agenda–spanning across educational, electoral, and energy initiatives–has fallen short of expectations.

Diego Recinos

Event Summaries ˙