

Separaciones en la frontera y la política migratoria de Donald Trump

En este episodio de Club de Prensa Michael Shifter debate el impacto de las políticas migratorias de la administración Trump, en particular, las recientes protestas en contra de la separación y el encarcelamiento de menores, y lo que esto significa para la política estadounidense.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

Michael Shifter Video

US Foreign Policy toward Latin America

In a public event for the Chappaqua Library (NY), Michael Shifter discussed the impact of President Trump’s first year in office upon American foreign policy and relations with Latin America. Shifter outlines three policy issues that have recently heightened tensions between the United States and Latin America: isolationist and protectionist immigration and trade policies, the reversal of the Cuban thaw, and the Trump administration’s return to a more militant War on Drugs.

Michael Shifter

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ Chappaqua Library

Lava Jato and the Winds of Change

In the wake of the Car Wash corruption scandal, seven Latin American countries are heading to the polls to elect new presidents. Global Insight assesses the implications for rule of law and democracy across the continent. Michael Camilleri shares his impressions.

Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ International Bar Association


Colombia Elects Conservative Candidate Ivan Duque to Be Next President

Millions of Colombians voted in a presidential election run-off on Sunday. The winner is Ivan Duque a 41-year-old conservative. And, after a divisive campaign between left and right, he has vowed to unite his country. To discuss the path forward for Colombia, Anand Naidoo, host of CGTN’s The Heat, spoke with Bernardo Perez Salazar, Juan Carlos Hidalgo, Gustau Alegret, and Michael Shifter.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN

Los retos internacionales para el nuevo presidente

Después de ocho años de Juan Manuel Santos, Iván Duque, del Centro Democrático, tendrá la oportunidad de redefinir las relaciones con la comunidad internacional. El Espectador conversó con expertos de diez países y les preguntó sobre el futuro de la diplomacia entre sus naciones y Colombia. Michael Shifter comenta sobre la relación con Estados Unidos.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ El Espectador


Shifter: Es difícil imaginar que Ortega llegue hasta el final de su mandato

Michael Shifter fue entrevistado por NTN24 acerca de la crisis en Nicaragua. Frente a la tensión política que se vive en el país, Shifter opinó que “puede ser que Ortega intente seguir con la represión contra la oposición y puede funcionar por un tiempo, pero no creo que le vaya a funcionar a la larga, creo que no va a llegar a 2021. Es difícil imaginar que Ortega termine hasta el final de su mandato.”

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24

Crises in Venezuela & the Path Forward for Colombia

Host Ray Offenheiser and guest Michael Shifter, the president of Inter-American Dialogue, discuss the economic and political crises in Venezuela, as well as the upcoming elections and path forward for peace in Colombia.

Michael Shifter, Ray Offenheiser

Podcasts ˙ ˙ University of Notre Dame


A Conversation with Carlos Alvarado

On June 12, the Inter-American Dialogue was proud to host Carlos Alvarado, sitting president of Costa Rica, to discuss a variety of goals and challenges with Dialogue President, Michael Shifter. President Alvarado discussed his plans to restore faith in the government by tackling environmental issues, promoting inclusive education, and improving the transparency of the government.

Beryl Seiler

Event Summaries ˙


Colombia’s Choice: Duque vs Petro

On June 7, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted an event titled “Colombia’s Choice: Duque vs Petro”. The conversation analyzed the results of the first round of the election which propelled Iván Duque of the Centro Democrático party and Gustavo Petro of Colombia Humana into the second round of the presidential race. Participants also discussed what to expect on and after the second round of the presidential race.

Beryl Seiler

Event Summaries ˙


Los retos de la OEA frente a crisis democráticas

En este episodio de Foro Interamericano, Gonzalo Abarca entrevistó a Michael Camilleri, director del programa de estado de derecho Peter D. Bell del Diálogo Interamericano, y al Embajador Jaime Aparicio, ex-presidente del comite jurídico interamericano de la OEA y ex-secretario ejecutivo de la Cumbre de las Americas. Los participantes analizaron las dificultades de la OEA en responder a las crisis democráticas en America Latina. 

Michael Camilleri

Interviews ˙ ˙ Foro Interamericano


Análisis de la primera vuelta electoral en Colombia

En este episodio de Club de Prensa, Juan Carlos Iragorri contó con la participación de Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano; Raquel Godos, corresponsal de EFE; Alina Dieste, periodista de la agencia ‘France Presse’; Cynthia Arnson, directora para Latinoamérica – Wilson Center. Los participantes analizaron los resultados de la primera vuelta elector en Colombia y lo que se puede esperar para la segunda vuelta. 

Michael Shifter, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ Club de Prensa


Combating Corruption in Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities

On May 30, the Inter-American Dialogue, in conjunction with the Washington Office of Latin America and the Due Process of Law Foundation, hosted an event titled “Combating Corruption in Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities”. This discussion, moderated by Maureen Meyer and Katya Salazar, featured panelists Mariclaire Acosta from Mexico’s National Anticorruption System, Alejandro Rios from COPARMEX, and Daniel Lizárraga from Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad.

Tamar Ziff

Event Summaries ˙

Will an IMF Bailout Save Argentina’s Macri, or Sink Him?

Non resident fellow Bruno Binetti discusses the causes of the financial crisis, and the economic and political implications of an IMF bailout for Argentina and Macri. 

Bruno Binetti

Interviews ˙ ˙ World Politics Review

Member in the News: Carla A. Hills

Carla Hills, the lead US architect of the original NAFTA trade agreement, gave an interview with NPR regarding the new negotiations.

Carla A. Hills, David Greene

Interviews ˙ ˙ NPR

Will Colombia Make Peace With Its Peace Deal?

As the first Colombian election after the historic signing of the peace deal approaches, the good news is that the conflict has blessedly ended, but the implementation of the accord has been complicated and contentious. It does not help that the political establishment stands fractured and discredited. The risk is that the country’s unsettled politics could upend the peace.

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Foreign Affairs