
Nicolás Maduro

It’s Not the Time for War Games With Venezuela

The priority of the US in the country should be to avoid a humanitarian disaster, not sending naval destroyers.

Michael Shifter, Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The New York Times

Pandemic and Politics in Venezuela Video

Pandemic and Politics in Venezuela

On April 2, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted Pandemic and Politics in Venezuela, a conference call with Miguel Pizarro, Venezuelan National Assembly member and Commissioner of the Guaidó government for the United Nations, Feliciano Reyna, Founder and Executive President of Acción Solidaria, and Daniella Liendo, Founder of Primeros Auxilios Universidad Central de Venezuela (Green Cross).

Catharine Christie, Carole Botello

Event Summaries ˙

Portrait of Nicolás Maduro

Can Justice for Maduro Bring Peace to Venezuela?

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo unveiled a detailed framework for restoring democracy in Venezuela that was immediately rejected by the man who would need to step aside for such a transition to occur: Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro.

Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Los Angeles Times

Inauguration of Luis Almagro as OAS Secretary General

Elecciones en la OEA: ¿Almagro vs Espinosa o vs Maduro?

En un contexto de fragmentación regional como el actual, donde cada país está concentrado en sus propios desafíos domésticos, la OEA es una institución que cumple importantes funciones y cuenta con un personal dedicado, pero que persiste como poco más que una cáscara vacía. La elección del viernes no va a cambiar esa realidad.

Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Agenda Pública

Art store in Havana, Cuba

La transición que no fue en Cuba

Lenier González escribe esta reseña sobre el libro del noruego Vegard Bye que intenta explicar por qué el Gobierno cubano paralizó en 2016 el proceso de reformas iniciado por Raúl Castro.

Lenier González

Book Review ˙ ˙ 14 y medio

Hugo De Zela and Michael Shifter on the panel Video

OAS Secretary General Candidate Series: Hugo de Zela

On February 21, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “OAS Secretary General Candidate Series: Hugo de Zela,” a public event with current Peruvian Ambassador to the United States Hugo de Zela, candidate for OAS Secretary General.

Catharine Christie, Carole Botello

Event Summaries ˙

Michael Shifter, Miguel Pizarro, Laura Chinchilla, and Michael Camilleri on the panel Video

Next Stop Caracas: Venezuela’s Uncertain Path Forward

On February 18, 2020, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted “Next Stop Caracas: Venezuela’s Uncertain Path Forward,”to discuss the future of Venezuela, and steps that should be taken by the international community to support a democratic transition.

Catharine Christie

Event Summaries ˙

The Long Road Report Cover

The Long Road: Supporting Venezuelans through an Uncertain Future

A new report by the Venezuela Working Group, an initiative of the Inter-American Dialogue’s Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, proposes a framework for future action based on a realistic assessment of Venezuela’s current trajectory.

Michael Camilleri

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Report

Michael Camilleri talks about Trump reaction to Iowa caucus Video

El fracaso del caucus de Iowa

Michael Camilleri, director del programa de estado de derecho, habló con María Alejandra Requena de CNN para analizar lo que pasó en Iowa y la reacción del presidente Trump.

Michael Camilleri, María Alejandra Requena

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN

Report cover for America Latina ante la crisis de globalizacion y el multilaterismo

América Latina ante la crisis de la globalización y el multilateralismo

Rebecca Bill Chavez escribe sobre los ataques profundos contra el multilateralismo, resultado de la crisis de la gobernanza internacional, y las relaciones entre China, Estados Unidos y América Latina.

Rebecca Bill Chavez, Mariano Aguirre, Marcos Robledo

Reports ˙ ˙ Friedrich Ebert Sitftung

Karen Longaric gives her remarks

A Roundtable with Karen Longaric, Foreign Minister of Bolivia

On January 24, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a roundtable discussion with Karen Longaric, the Foreign Minister of Bolivia, in partnership with the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Catharine Christie

Event Summaries ˙