
Portrait of Nicolás Maduro

Can Justice for Maduro Bring Peace to Venezuela?

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo unveiled a detailed framework for restoring democracy in Venezuela that was immediately rejected by the man who would need to step aside for such a transition to occur: Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro.

Michael Camilleri

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Los Angeles Times

How Would Pompeo Affect U.S. Policy Toward the Region?

Will Pompeo receive smooth confirmation in the Senate? What does Pompeo’s rise to secretary of state mean for U.S. policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean? What will Trump accomplish on his trip to South America next month?

James R. Jones, Ray Walser, Riordan Roett, Raymond A. Joseph

Latin America Advisor ˙


Trump y la Cumbre de las Américas

El 24 de marzo, Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano, apareció en el programa de CNN Español Choque de Opiniones para ofrecer su perspectiva sobre que logrará el presidente estadounidense en la Cumbre de las Américas y el nombramiento del próximo secretario de estado, Mike Pompeo.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN