
Photo of report cover depicting teacher with students in a classroom

Escuela Plus And Audiovisual Programming As An Educational Tool

In this report, the Inter-American Dialogue presents the results of its study on the Escuela Plus program experience and the role of satellite television in educational practices.

Sarah Stanton, Ariel Fiszbein, Anna Herrero Tejada

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Report cover

English for Employment in Mexico: Realities and Challenges

The study English for Employment in Mexico: Realities and Challenges contributes to the discussions and advances on the subject. Its recommendations translate the findings of the entire study into possible mutually complementary paths, which could be implemented from different fields and scenarios.

Sarah Stanton, Rosa Maria Cely Herrera

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Report cover

English Language Learning In Brazil

The report presents an overview of English teaching in Brazil, examining the main national policies that regulate and inform English language learning and how they have been implemented.

Sarah Stanton, Thaiane Pereira

Reports ˙ ˙ Download the Report

Cover of compendio competencias digitales docentes

Digital Teaching Competencies Compendium

This report, elaborated by Latin America Coalition for Teaching Excellence, studies initiatives that have strengthened teachers’ digital skills in Latin America. Specifically, it addresses the digital competency frameworks that exist in the region, teacher training experiences, and the evaluation processes implemented to measure progress in digital teaching skills.

Sarah Stanton, Alejandra Vargas Durango, Latin American Coalition for Excellence in Teaching

Reports ˙ ˙ Download Compendium

Tech companies in the United States are increasingly looking to Latin America and the Caribbean to fill positions. // File Photo: NegativeSpace.

Can Latin America Meet the Demand for Tech Talent?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A featuring experts’ viewpoints on the growth of technology skills and businesses in the region.

Sarah Stanton, Craig Dempsey, Silvina Moschini

Latin America Advisor ˙

Foto de los panelistas y una profesora Video

The effect of the pandemic on teacher wellbeing – Evaluating the impact and preparing for school reopening

On June 17, the Education Program at the Dialogue with the support of the Tinker Foundation hosted the third event of a series which sought to highlight the experiences of Latin America’s teachers during the pandemic and present alternatives to measure the emotional state and wellbeing of teachers. 

Sarah Stanton, Micaela Finoli, Gladys Gerbaud Navarro

Event Summaries ˙

photo of teacher policy experts in the region

A Regional Approach to Improving Teacher Policy: Lessons from Latin America

The following article by Sarah Stanton, Michelle Guzmán and Lucila Malnatti hopes to make the case for a regional approach to improving teacher policy in Latin America and the Caribbean, to establish priorities in teacher excellence and address them collectively.

Sarah Stanton, Michelle Guzmán, Lucila Malnatti

Reports ˙ ˙ Journal of International Cooperation in Education

A student wearing a mask is reading in a classroom.

How Much Has the Pandemic Reversed Education Gains?

A Latin America Advisor Q&A on the challenges for education tin Latin America and the Caribbean following the coronavirus pandemic.

Nora Lustig, Sarah Stanton, Debra Gittler, Leonardo Garnier, Mary Guinn Delaney, Zoila Recinos

Latin America Advisor ˙