Future of Latin America

Growing international uncertainty and complexity are provoking an increasing interest in studies of the future. Profound transformations in the world economy, climate change, and new technologies will ensure that the region’s future is inextricably connected to developments taking place beyond the borders of individual nations. To address these new challenges, the Inter-American Dialogue is working to support the development of strategic thinking in Latin America, using future and foresight studies.

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Panelists of the New Infrastructure Event Video

New Infrastructure—Emerging Trends in Chinese Investment in Latin America

On April 11, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC) to hold the joint event “New Infrastructure—Emerging Trends in Chinese Investment in Latin America,” which centered around the prospect and impact of China investment in LAC and specifically in Brazil, as well as the LAC region’s approach to fielding opportunities and risks associated with Chinese engagement.

Foto de manifestantes en las protestas en Nicaragua de 2018

Tres desafíos para la transición democrática frente a la sucesión dinástica

El consenso global, dentro y fuera del país, es que el principal objetivo de Nicaragua como nación es derrotar el proyecto de sucesión dinástica del régimen actual, para abrir el camino hacia una transición democrática. La realidad obliga a diferenciar entre la lucha por alcanzar el cambio político, y cómo gobernar democráticamente. El denominador común, sin embargo, sigue siendo el mismo, crear una coalición con capacidad de lograr el cambio, y con capacidad de gobernar democráticamente.

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[Nicaragua] went from a political crisis of struggling for democratization, and to dismantle the clientelist scaffolding, to a regime with a tropicalized Taliban-style radicalization, underpinned by a criminalization of democracy, state capture, fear of violence, international isolation, and post-truth.