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Private sector investment Video

Private Sector and Early Childhood Investment

On August 13, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Education Program, the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN), UNICEF and United Way convened a virtual seminar on the role of the private sector in early childhood development in Latin America.

Daniela Saez, Martha Guerrero

Event Summaries ˙

AMLO is inaugurated as president of Mexico

AMLO Falters on his Commitment to Combat Impunity

While AMLO deserves credit for pledging to combat Mexico’s impunity crisis, he has failed to set a clear strategy to address the faults and lack of independence within the justice system, calling into question his commitment to confront the root causes of impunity.

Catharine Christie

Larissa Pumarol

Larissa Pumarol

Pumarol currently serves as the deputy director of Plan Quizqueya Empieza Contigo. She was an event speaker at The Dialogue. 


Is Democracy in Trouble? Latin America from a Global Perspective

On December 13, 2019 the Inter-American Dialogue, in partnership with International Institute for Democracy and Election Assistance (IDEA) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), hosted “Is Democracy in Trouble? Latin America in Global Perspective”, an event to launch IDEA’s The Global State of Democracy 2019 Report: Addressing the Ills, Reviving the Promise.

Kate Blansett

Event Summaries ˙

Daniela Ligiero

Dr. Daniela Ligiero is the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Together for Girls, a global, public-private partnership dedicated to ending violence against children, especially sexual violence against girls

Rachel Dotson

Much of her work has focused on gender violence prevention and support for survivors, as well as on advocacy and support services for immigrants and refugees

Joan Caivano

Joan Caivano is a senior advisor at the Inter-American Dialogue.

Sofia Lalinde photo

Sofia Lalinde

Sofia Lalinde served as program associate for Special Projects & External Relations at the Inter-American Dialogue from 2019 to 2021. She helped manage various institutional initiatives, including the Linowitz Forum, CAF Conference, and Congressional Program, and the Dialogue’s work on gender issues.

Remaking US-Brazilian Relations: The Odyssey of Trump and Bolsonaro

It is hard to imagine exactly what kind of deal Bolsonaro and Trump, both anomalous, unconventional leaders, drawn to one another mainly by temperament and ideology, could strike with another. Could they really end up accomplishing what previous governments in both countries had failed to achieve? Could they forge an alliance between two countries that have long maintained a rather distant and often distrustful relationship?

Peter Hakim

Margarette May Macaulay

Macaulay is a Commissioner for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights running for re-election.