
New Rules for the Rule of Law in Argentina

The Dialogue partnered with the Wilson Center and Exiger’s Integrity Forum to host Mariano Borinsky and analyze his proposed reform to Argentina’s legal code.

Leonie Rauls, Leonie Rauls

Event Summaries ˙


Análisis de las elecciones en Brasil

En este episodio de Club de Prensa, Juan Carlos Iragorri contó con la participación de Michael Shifter, presidente del Diálogo Interamericano; Raquel Godos, corresponsal de EFE; y Henrique Gomes Batista, Corresponsal De ‘O Globo’ – Brasil. Los participantes analizaron los cambios en las elecciones en Brasil y la investigación del expresidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa por el caso Odebrecht.

Michael Shifter, Raquel Godos, Henrique Gomes Batista, Juan Carlos Iragorri

Interviews ˙ ˙ NTN24


Power and Politics: Crisis in Venezuela

Millions of Venezuelans are fleeing the crisis torn country into neighboring Colombia. How dire is the situation and could it get even worse? Dialogue President Michael Shifter discussed these questions on CBC’s Power & Politics with Vassy Kapelos.

Michael Shifter, Vassy Kapelos

Interviews ˙ ˙ CBC News


Michael Shifter en Foro Interamericano

En una entrevista con VOA, Michael Shifter discutió retos que América Latina encara hoy en día, como la innovación, el desarrollo y la integración, así como otros temas de gran magnitud como el éxodo venezolano y el papel de China en la región.

Michael Shifter, Gonzalo Abarca

Interviews ˙ ˙ VOA


A Conversation with Carlos Holmes Trujillo

On September 7, the Inter-American Dialogue hosted a conversation between Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Colombia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Dialogue President, Michael Shifter. The conversation began with introductory remarks on some of the challenges that the new Colombian government, led by president Iván Duque, will have to face.

José Bernardo Reyes Facio

Event Summaries ˙


Thousands flee Venezuela, hoping to reach neighboring countries

Thousands flee Venezuela in the hopes of reaching Peru before the new passport restriction occurs. In the midst of an economic crisis worse than the Great Depression, the UN has categorically place this exodus near a crisis point. Michael Shifter, president of Inter-American Dialogue, discusses with CGTN’s Wang Guan the extent of this crisis, its implications at the international scale, and the measures that others can take to help.

Michael Shifter, Wang Guan

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN


El Salvador establishes ties with Beijing

El Salvador has become the latest country to cut ties with Taiwan and establish official relations with Beijing. Michael Shifter, president of Inter-American Dialogue, discusses with CGTN’s Mike Walter.

Michael Shifter, Mike Walter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CGTN

military marching the streets

The Return of Latin America’s Military

Rebecca Bill Chavez warns in an article for the New York Times on that as we enter a global democratic recession, we must not ignore increasing trends of militarization in Latin America.

Rebecca Bill Chavez

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ New York Times

A Foreign Policy Full of Challenges

The new Colombian government outlined an ambitious domestic agenda that calls for jumpstarting the economy, consolidating the peace, and promoting social justice. The success of this agenda will depend on many factors, among them how Ivan Duque manages the many foreign policy challenges he will face in a world marked by great uncertainty.  

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Semana

Shifter: Maduro “está jugando con fuego” al acusar a Colombia de intentar matarlo

Cuando el presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, señaló a su par colombiano, Juan Manuel Santos, en el supuesto intento de asesinarlo el sábado, la ya desgastada relación entre sus países entró en una nueva fase imprevisible. Michael Shifter sostiene que Duque deberá ensayar un equilibrio difícil para evitar una escalada peligrosa de tensiones con Caracas.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC

An Argentine Lava Jato? Don’t Hold Your Breath.

There are reasons to believe that Argentina’s “notebooks scandal” will not be as far-reaching as its Brazilian counterpart.

Bruno Binetti

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Americas Quarterly


The Many Faces of Venezuelan Migration: Challenges and Solutions

On August 1, the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with Visión Democrática to host an event on “The Many Faces of Venezuelan Migration: Challenges and Solutions.” The panelists discussed the status and features of the Venezuelan migrant crisis, particularly across the Colombian border, and the accelerated growth of the Venezuelan diaspora over the past few years.

Camille Preel-Dumas

Event Summaries ˙


Corruption in Honduras: Can MACCIH Make a Dent?

On July 31, the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with the Washington Office on Latin America and the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies at American University to host an event titled “Corruption in Honduras: Can MACCIH Make a Dent?” The conversation analyzed how effective the mission has been in its fight against corruption.

Anna Egas

Event Summaries ˙