


Margaret Myers

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ 中美聚焦

Chinese Finance to Latin America and the Caribbean in 2017

China’s record of lending in LAC continues to surpass that of other banks, even though policy banks issued only $9 billion to the region in 2017.

Margaret Myers, Kevin Gallagher

Reports ˙ ˙ China-Latin America Finance Database

Chinese Development Finance “Down But Not Out” in Latin America

Chinese investment and lending in the region declined last year, in part reflecting skittishness over the deteriorating situation in Venezuela. Despite the drop, Chinese state-to-state finance continues to outstrip the World Bank, IDB and CAF.

Margaret Myers, Kevin P. Gallagher

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ The Global Americans

China’s State Media in Latin America: Profile and Prospects

China is increasingly relying on public diplomacy to support its economic engagement in the region. The country’s state media already plays a significant part in promoting a productive relationship with Latin America.

Ricardo Barrios

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ IAPS Dialogue

Learning Latin America: China’s Strategy for Area Studies Development

Since 2010, a series of Chinese government policies has supported the development of increasingly high quality Latin American and other area studies centers across the country, primarily in an effort to inform China’s foreign policy-making.

Margaret Myers, Ricardo Barrios, Guo Cunhai

Reports ˙

Michael Shifter Video

US Foreign Policy toward Latin America

In a public event for the Chappaqua Library (NY), Michael Shifter discussed the impact of President Trump’s first year in office upon American foreign policy and relations with Latin America. Shifter outlines three policy issues that have recently heightened tensions between the United States and Latin America: isolationist and protectionist immigration and trade policies, the reversal of the Cuban thaw, and the Trump administration’s return to a more militant War on Drugs.

Michael Shifter

Event Summaries ˙ ˙ Chappaqua Library

Teaching for Success: Teacher Policies in Shanghai and Lessons for Central America

Teacher quality is one of the variables that most influences educational outcomes. Shanghai, one of the best-performing education systems in the world, has a complex teacher policy framework that emphasizes high entry standards and continuous improvement. What lessons can Shanghai’s teacher policies offer Central America?

Eduardo Vélez Bustillo, Jin Chi

Reports ˙

China’s Belt and Road Lands in Latin America

Joining the Belt and Road is an easy sell for Latin America because the Initiative promises much and demands little, writes Ricardo Barrios.

Ricardo Barrios

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Diálogo Chino

Would a Trade Deal With China Benefit Panama?

Panama and China began negotiations for a free trade agreement on July 9. What benefits would a deal bring?

Barbara Kotschwar, Joaquín Jácome Diez, Anabel González, Arancha González

Latin America Advisor ˙