
Is Latin America Meeting the MDGs?

How useful are the MDG’s broad targets as measurements of progress in the region?

George Gray Molina, Ronaldo Munck, Paula Lucci, Alejandra Kubitschek Bujones

Are US-Venezuela Relations Headed for a Thaw?

What are the worstcase and best-case scenarios for Venezuelan economic and political risk over the next year?

Michael Shifter, Julia Buxton, Gustavo Roosen, Phil Gunson

˙ Latin America Advisor

Does Latin America Need Another Regional Organization?

During last month’s Rio Group summit in Mexico, Latin American leaders agreed to form a new regional bloc that would exclude the United States and Canada. Is this new group needed?

Peter Hakim, Pierre Pettigrew, Roger Noriega, Mark Weisbrot



Latin America Advisor ˙

Is Latin America Taking on Too Much Debt?

Bond issuance, including sovereign and corporate debt, in Latin America and the Caribbean reached $117 billion in the first 10 months of 2016, $37 billion more than for all of 2015, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean said in a Dec. 2 report. What does the higher amount of bonds issued this year say about the health of the region’s economies?

Claudio Loser, José Gonzáles, David Ross

Latin America Advisor ˙


5月20日,阿根廷总统毛里西奥·马克里(Mauricio Macri)否决了一天前国会通过的充满争议的“反裁员法”。它对总统的其他工作意味着什么?马克里和国会之间的下一场大冲突可能是什么?

Latin America Advisor ˙



Latin America Advisor ˙